2007-01-22 13:40:27YV
我對情詩裏的男女、女女、男男究竟有沒有從此過著幸福快樂的日子完全沒有預期,這就很奇怪了……但是我在A.S.Byatt的 Possession: A Romance 裡找到答案。
All day snow fell
Snow fell all night
My silent lintel
Silted white
Inside a Creature—
With snowy Feature
Eyes of Light
(By fictional character Christabel LaMotte)
儘管生物學家和神經科醫生有完全不一樣的看法:「愛癮」也是一種病,是腦子分泌出差錯的結果--風流情種Don Juan症,大概就是需要治療的病患,免得一次又一次掉入痛苦的深淵。這樣的人,終其半生都在和不認識的人搞曖昧,過度解讀他人的微笑和眼神,享受一次一次又一次的失戀鞭笞,視為絶爽的經驗。很多人已經意識到這種精神症狀而求醫。
Emily Dickinson 的愛情不企圖佔有,變成「冷人」的迷戀。
I cannot live with you,
It would be life,
And life is over there
Behind the shelf
The sexton keeps the key to,
Putting up
Our life, his porcelain,
Like a cup
Discarded of the housewife,
Quaint or broken;
A newer Sevres pleases,
Old ones crack.
I could not die with you,
For one must wait
To shut the other’s gaze down,
You could not.
And I, could I stand by
And see you freeze,
Without my right of frost,
Death’s privilege?
Nor could I rise with you,
Because your face
Would put out Jesus’.
That new grace
Glow plain and foreign
On my homesick eye,
Except that you, than he
Shone closer by.
They’d judge us - how?
For you served Heaven, you know
Or sought to;
I could not,
Because you saturated sight,
And I had no more eyes
For sordid excellence
As Paradise.
And were you lost, I would be,
Though my name
Rang loudest
On the heavenly fame.
And were you saved,
And I condemned to be
Where you were not,
That self were hell to me.
So we must keep apart,
You there, I here,
With just the door ajar
That oceans are,
And prayer,
And that pale svustenance,
我對情詩裏的男女、女女、男男究竟有沒有從此過著幸福快樂的日子完全沒有預期,這就很奇怪了……但是我在A.S.Byatt的 Possession: A Romance 裡找到答案。
All day snow fell
Snow fell all night
My silent lintel
Silted white
Inside a Creature—
With snowy Feature
Eyes of Light
(By fictional character Christabel LaMotte)
儘管生物學家和神經科醫生有完全不一樣的看法:「愛癮」也是一種病,是腦子分泌出差錯的結果--風流情種Don Juan症,大概就是需要治療的病患,免得一次又一次掉入痛苦的深淵。這樣的人,終其半生都在和不認識的人搞曖昧,過度解讀他人的微笑和眼神,享受一次一次又一次的失戀鞭笞,視為絶爽的經驗。很多人已經意識到這種精神症狀而求醫。
Emily Dickinson 的愛情不企圖佔有,變成「冷人」的迷戀。
I cannot live with you,
It would be life,
And life is over there
Behind the shelf
The sexton keeps the key to,
Putting up
Our life, his porcelain,
Like a cup
Discarded of the housewife,
Quaint or broken;
A newer Sevres pleases,
Old ones crack.
I could not die with you,
For one must wait
To shut the other’s gaze down,
You could not.
And I, could I stand by
And see you freeze,
Without my right of frost,
Death’s privilege?
Nor could I rise with you,
Because your face
Would put out Jesus’.
That new grace
Glow plain and foreign
On my homesick eye,
Except that you, than he
Shone closer by.
They’d judge us - how?
For you served Heaven, you know
Or sought to;
I could not,
Because you saturated sight,
And I had no more eyes
For sordid excellence
As Paradise.
And were you lost, I would be,
Though my name
Rang loudest
On the heavenly fame.
And were you saved,
And I condemned to be
Where you were not,
That self were hell to me.
So we must keep apart,
You there, I here,
With just the door ajar
That oceans are,
And prayer,
And that pale svustenance,
上一篇:Yoyo 的"皮薩的製作過程"
我認為求偶期是永遠不會過的! 或者我永遠不希望它過...但是講求偶也為免太寫實, 有時人求的不是偶, 人求的是被愛和愛人共存的那一剎那的無限可能性. 因為愛情, 什麼事都變得可能, 人變得蓄勢待發!
Wow! LV is a poet.
Amanda is an art critic!