2004-12-19 23:01:16UnWanted

Do you have balls?

Oct. 30, 2004

Do you have balls?

Tonight I went to Davis Hall, where I met a man's friends. I talked to the man 40 minutes before he went to the Davis Hall. He has a master EE from Stanford.

He waved to me when he saw me and introduced to his friends.

There were about 5 minutes left before the "stupid" Debussy started. (I just like to discriminate to whatever I like. None of your business if it happens that you love Debussy. So what? Can't I just distaste Debussy? I went there for the 2nd piece of tonight. The reason I stayed there after the intermission was my friend loves Debussy, so I had to stay with him so to fulfill the position of a dutiful Mis Polite.)

So after Clinton X introduced me to his Stanford pals, I asked him: "Are you single? Are you available?"

That dude said: "Yes. You asked very direct Q. I'm single. I'm available."

Then I was very happy, I said: "Is that OK that I can introduce you my sister? I have a sister to sale?"

He: "What? Sell for what? Sale for money?"

I: "No, I sale her for a husband. Well, this might be too much to tell for the moment. Just meeting her up is enough."

Then the dude said: "No, not interested. Best luck to you."

I: 'Then do you know any single friends that you can pass to my sister? '

He: "No, not I can think of at this point."

I: "Well, then could you leave your contact, such as e-mail or telephone#, so once you think of any, then you can pass them to my sister."

He: "No. I am not interested. I don't give away my contact this easy."

I: "Well, then you can ask my contact, so you can contact me later."

He: "Later this evening?"

I frowned: "No, not this evening. She is not here tonight. I'll be rushing home after the pieces. I mean later in the following months."

He: "No. I don't set up appointments like that. Best luck to you. "

Then I: "On what the luck base? "

He: "Huh? "

I: "I asked you to introduce singles to my sister. But you only gave me rejection. Is that correct? "

He: "Yes. I gave you rejection. I said to you that I wish you best luck. "

I: "Then how would that be a luck to me? Can you elaborate it? "

Then the bell rang. So the three hurdled back to their 2nd Tier, and I walked down to Orchestra seats, back to my friend.

Then I was thinking:

Gosh! Do American men come with balls or not?

He and the Clinton X both didn't even ask how my sister is alike, and they gave me rejection right away.

The Clinton X obviously had a good impression on me after a 40 minutes conversation in my SF secret spot. And he also actively introduced me to his dudes.

However, they didn't even ask how my sister is alike before rejected my request for finding her a husband material.

Do they have balls or not?

I just talked to my friend the other night. He also agreed with me that men in Bay area particularly are sheep, come with no strong personality.

I need men who can explore possibilities, who can build up interactions along with all the things come in their lives.

Are you an exception of those no-balls American men, who can come to examine my sister before you want her or not first?

Again, no smokers are allowed. Only men with advanced degrees from well-established schools, because she came from a well-established school and doesn't smoke or abuse substances. No pet cats owners. She is allergic to cat dander as I am.

Show some balls, American men!

PS: Thanks for your all kind of kind comments. My sister and I are different persons. No need to discuss further more about the narrow scope I emphasis here. She works as a software engineer and she is supporting 2 houses.

I am a blue collar worker, single, no children to dipper or ex-husbands for their driving-them-nuts2nd or Nth wives. I have the time of whole world to play with you if you don t have decent academic background, fine with me. With her? You d better go to school and get some certificates to decorate your walls before you even ask her name.

I have time to make friends with all kind of background. Surely she does. Yet she has very limited time for her own jobs and houses (including her loving parents and sister). Hope this is clear enough for no further offensive feelings which I didn't mean to arouse from those fragile egos.