2004-03-30 03:01:16UnWanted

Give me the reason to live

►►►Give me the reason to live

SAF, 33, 5'5, 125. Looking for LTR. Stop removing my posts for my ideal mates. Thanks.

SAF, 33, 5'5, 125. Looking for LTR.
SAF, 33, 5'5, 125. Looking for LTR.
SAF, 33, 5'5, 125. Looking for LTR.
SAF, 33, 5'5, 125. Looking for LTR.
SAF, 33, 5'5, 125. Looking for LTR.

I figured out that I need to emphasis my main theme.

I didn't write to ask for any condolence. Please save it to the people who sit next to you in a church bench. If you really have too much time, please get up and walk to either your neighbors or your coworkers or any your remote friends or people on the streets to show your remote concern. Your any meaningless soothing languages is an act of harassing. I want people to get involved in my life and change it in a dramatically delightful way. Anything other than that: please keep it there. Don't spit it out.

Action speaks louder. Take my viola player friend, who lives near SF, as an example. He got a divorce in his late 30 with an infant baby. He works as a software engineer for raising his incomplete family while he dreams on playing his instrument. His former chamber orchestra went apart and his old musician friends moved out SF. Therefore he has a hard time to be in a chamber orchestra to play more solo pieces. So, today, 03/31/2004, after the concert in St. Patrick church finished, I approached to the string players to ask if they heard any chamber orchestra has any openings for him, a great player. I got one of the violinist's contact and past to him just now. I also approached the usher, who introduces each performance each time, to ask about if she knows any chamber orchestra has any openings and she guided me another possibility to look for. Certainly I don't know if I can help him exact the way he needs. However, at least I find some connections for him that he can't get by himself due to his limited time. When I love people, I listen to them, see if there is anything I can do for them. I don't like most of you westerners who effervescent the word 'love' as if everybody is producing some sewage so casually, rightfully and naturally.

Also, it helps more if you can write to the CL manager to ask him to think of something to stop the insanely removing of my posts than just send me some short two lines for your sympathy. If you want me to believe in your Jesus Christ, please write to CL manager before you write to me first. Thanks.

Also, thanks for showing me the American riots of having no sense of sympathy and ignorant jealousy and having nothing much to do with other women as dates.

It hurts in a relationship if you ignore the other party. Therefore, stop writing me if you got my references and you didn't call them upon my request which corresponded to your previous skeptical messages. If you consider you are a sincere possible communicating party, please start to listen to me. Thanks.

I have a model to fight at home 24 hours a day. My father asks me to commit suicide frequently and he admits scolding at me pleases him very much. Hot temper is his thing, and my relatives and his friends all tell me that it is rare to meet a man like him. But anyway, he is my father, he just like to say it, he doesn't mean it. And apart from bad temper, he was almost a model husband: loyal, no smoke, no alcohol, no gambling… He is OK in general speaking. However, the least thing I would like to do is to find a second father, who didn't get a chance for a decent education, gets agitated easily for feeling frustrated all the time out of incapable to solve problems yet would feel he is a failure if he can't take charge. That's how I develop my traits of being a good responder for I recognize how unrealistic and easy to be frustrated it is to try to take charge all the time. I like to let go and I enjoy let go if somebody would like to take charge. However, I don't enjoy people who can't guide me to better circumstances. Unfortunately, often the times I thought I was very dumb due to my limited education yet found out that the other parties couldn't provide better solutions.

I am here to look for people to establish positive warm relationships. I have no need to go out to look for subjects to argue with. Therefore once you ever attacked me verbally once before any well-established relationship, then don't ever think that I'm going to be friends with you. People often say: 'Gain new friends through fights.'; in Chinese, it is 'Bu4 Da3 Bu4 Xiang Sh4', it means 'No fight, No chance to get to know each other.' It originally means that through the fight, you would realize how the others act and appreciate their disciplines through the fights you were having. And then you develop the sense of being friends with for respecting their disciplines.

However, nmm-nmm, not me, never me. I am too much a good responder, I'm fully ripe and ready to go with anyone who attracts me. If anyone starts to fight with me for no particular reasons, he is a failure in terms of using me as a responder. I believe you know well that being annoying is not a good way to start a good relationship. I do believe saving a relationship and even some arguments are essentially involved. But don't give me the bs that people start relationships with insulting languages. I live with that kind of thing for decades, I recognize that extremely well.

However, please stop enjoying giving your condolence and overlooking my need. There is no need for you to talk to me about my father for anything. He sent me to a college, not you. He provides a place to live where I can see sunrise every morning, not you. He petitioned me to here without asking me any cost, not you. There is no position for you to flip your lips to say anything about him before you contribute my life constructively in a macro scale.

Mar. 31, 2004 V1.7

______________________________Give me the reason to live______________________________

My friend just died of drowning. Now each time when I am in a pool, I can't stop thinking what he was thinking when he was in the water. What was flashing in his mind when he was (if he got the chance) struggling. Did he ever get a chance to try to get him out of the water? What was he thinking? His son? Or any other thing which made him feel he have to get him out of the water?

This is truly terrible when I exam my life. I don't know what would flash in my mind if I'm in a crisis.

I'll live for my mom. She would be very sad if I'm gone. Her eyes trace me when I am around her.

What else?

Can you make me feel that I need your smile, your hugs, your words, your etc. in order to live?

Give me the reason to live.

Make me feel I want to live because I can see you, because you color my world.

I want you to make me smile when I see you for no particular reasons just because you are here.

I want you to make me feel I like to hear your heart beats all the time.

I want you make me feel that I want to lean on your neck and smell your scents.

I want you make feel this world is less chaotic when you are in my world.

I want you make me feel that there are myriads of wonders and laughter in my life as long you come in.

I want you make me feel that you care for me and look after me.
I know I'm very weak and so vulnerable to be a victim of empty words.

However, there are some obvious things I can recognize if you are a liar in terms of using the word 'love'.

1. You are a smoker.
2. You knew I am an asthma patient and care nothing about my oxygen supply.
3. You know I am a model follower and yet you don't come out plans and consult with me or make me feel that you are a good navigator.
4. You don't look after your own health.
5. Many other things that I've written in other writings. Please exam yourself with the information I supply. I expect a more than 3000 words essay from you about yourself. If you don't have some, please start to sit down and write some. It helps you for further mass-mail distribution. If you can't, then we are not a match.