2009-09-03 04:13:36康樂近了﹗


Subject: Re: Gathering at CP's House Welcoming James/Angela and Alice

I had a good time today and was so happy that we could get together with 孫老師's two kids.  We will have more gatherings in the years to come.
I can't take the credit of the BBQ.  My wife makes good sauce andprepares the meats with that sauce, I just cook them.  So 286 brothers,you know what's in the store when you come to the Bay Area.  We don'tdo BBQ often, probably a couple of times a year.  But we will make themif you come.
It was great that Jim dropped in via Skype.  Ja-Ling's appearancewas pre-arranged, but Jim's was not.  Unfortunately he had to leaveearly to pick up someone in the airport.  I've attached 2 photos takentoday.  孫老師's son, James, is next to Abraham in the back row (the tall guy) and her daughter, Alice, is between them.

Dear CP,

Itwas wonderful to be invited to your house enjoying a very nice BBQgathering, welcoming James/Angela, and Alice. The BBQ is one of thebest I ever have in years. Probably there only two restaurants arecomparable- The House of Prime Rib in San Francisco, and 仙炙轩(上海汾阳路故白崇禧將軍府邸). I do believe you have secret receipt and great denotation to making great BBQ.

Alice,it was such a great pleasure that we finally met again. I was sodazzled many times when I talked to you that you are so alike with yourmom, our beloved 孫老師 in many ways. 妳們底神韻真是太像了!  Your elegant manner and very proper and natural interactions with all of us was just wonderful.  A quote stroke my heart “Ourdeath is not an end if we can live on in our children and the youngergeneration. For they are us, our bodies are only wilted leaves on thetree of life.” ~Albert Einstein~ I am extremely happy for you and  孫老師.

James/Angela,This is our second gatherings in weeks. I am very happy to see yourentire family. You truly have a nice family with lovely kids. I believethat you and Justin will hit it off at work.

Myold friend Oscar has been invited a few times to our Bay Area  286gatherings, becoming our honorable classmate (we have known each otherfor 30+ years). He is a party live line that always brought us lots offun. He is the founding member of ASUS and retired more than 10 yearsago. His hobby now is collecting sports car in Palo Alto (20, and isgrowing). His younger brother is running 和碩 now. I think Oscar outsmarts his brother童子賢 and knows when to retire and enjoy life. Oscar, you outsmart me so much!

Ja-Lin and Jim skyped us all in the gathering and had great talks. Thank you very much.

Dear Fellow Classmates, 孫老師’s kids all end up to be very well. They are very decent and smart! Four of us 286ers from Bay Area will go to孫老師’sResting Home to pay her a tribute next month. I’ll recommend that CPand Ja-Ling/Jim can collect all the liens from our folks and we couldread them to孫老師 on the spot on your behalf.

With Warm regards,

Abraham 岳憲

很高興和舊金山via Skype連上線。見到James 和Alice真的很感動。老師﹕他們笑起來的確有你的神韻,尤其是嘴角掀起來那個角度。

James長得太帥了又很幽默…李小妹,妳要把James盯緊點,不要讓他被本班的「師奶殺手」帶壞。( 286名單中的松哥,永平,達雲名字給他劃掉。)286名單中找不到的李建穀,許政成反而可靠耐用。

Alice一看就知道是貼心的女孩,誰能在你身邊護花真幸福。Alice耳朵過來: CP大哥誠實敏銳,lifetime warranty。Justin大哥人也還不錯啦,就是愛喝酒。我們班長眼神很有魅力,妳要小心一點哦。

很抱歉我不常用Skype,器材不足,話聽不清楚,以致笑果不佳,只好把我光頭亮給大家看看,鼓勵大家多用renewable energy。
