Wow, long time
I’m so sorry !!!!
Because I was busy lately.
I had two trips lately.
I went to Tennessee and New York.
Both of the trips are so good.
I really love to live in America,
I found I ’m getting to be an American !!!!!!!!
I eat junk food , hahahaha
they are so good !!!!!!!
Really, better than the junk food in Taiwan.
I’m so good here,
I had day off today , ya !!
I don’t know why,
the school in America have day off very often,
and the reason are so weird !!!!!!
It getting colder here,
oh, my goodness,
I need really heavy coat here !!!!!!!!!!
I think it not very cold in Taiwan now, isn’t it ??
I miss Taiwanese food very much .........................
上一篇:Foot ball game
哈哈 也有人叫angel> <~ 蓁是害羞 我的英文名子也是angelㄋㄟ><~
anyways dear, i miss you=) a lot man. though i`m here in china. cant see u in tw when i went bk for visit is sad. i know how u feel, gotta run to next class and stuff. thats how my school works. now you know how i feel.
i`m sure you are having bunches of fun. i wish u the best luck. you are coming bk to tw soon yes? march? if i remembered it right. you are really lucky!! u spent ur new year in america! ahhhh, i`m jealous >"<! anyways, i will email you sometime, maybe today. hehe. i miss you. and u better miss me too.
<3 wo ai ni
by the way, find a hot boy there and take a picture of him. hehe
但還是想穿短袖= =
想說太久沒來你的報台逛一逛,所以今天就心血來潮想說來留個言...時光匆匆,你也回到台灣一陣子時間了!!應該還適應的了台灣溼熱的氣候吧...自從上次在HAPPY HAIR店裡巧遇你,你之後還CALL我叫我回來找你,說有東西要給我....講實在當時的心情眞的很高興!!很難說下次還有多少的機會會遇到你,不過我還是想跟你說聲miss you so much..