2007-09-01 04:25:59律米(因為喜歡吃玉米)

Foot ball game

I went to watch the football game last night .

We went to the biggest city in North Carolina , it’s so beautiful , expecially at night .

There are so many poeple and they wear the sport top of the player’s number .

I want to buy one , but I didn’t bring money.

This is my first time to go to the huge sport grong to watch the game .

But I don’t know the rules of football , so I can’t understand why they got score .

So I just followed the poeple shouting and stand up and screaming , hahahaha

It’s a special expirience .

but when we got home was almost 12 o’clock .

So I really want to sleep today .

I slep in English class .

because they explained " SAT " , to enter into college .

I don’t need this , so I fell asleep .

When the class almost over ,

the teacher used the pen to hit my head !!!!!!!!

It’s scared me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

上一篇:My first day in school

下一篇:Wow, long time

雅茹 2007-10-31 20:53:06

花了很多時間看懂英文內容= =

豆豆豆豆-----竇仲安 2007-10-17 23:38:12

妳沒來我們這班真是本班之不幸= =
妳假如來可能會好一點~ ~我們班氣氛就會被帶起來嚕!!

.... 2007-09-02 21:36:04

你很白痴ㄟ 看不懂球賽 還跟著喊= =
笨草 濫草