2009-02-25 09:11:36六隻腳的動物

Soccer & Basketball


Recently I often play basketball with several classmates including Taiwanese and Chinese.


In England, the basketball is not a kind of very popular sports.


British people like soccer more than basketball.


In the area, basketball seems to become second or third choice in all of sport.


In fact, I am not fond of soccer much partly because I neither thoroughly understand how the game run nor enjoy the fun from soccer.


It is main reason that long-term habit from home town.


In Taiwan, basketball is a “hot” game and makes most young man crazy.


No matter when the local people open TV, they always can see various news or games such as NBA or SBL.


There are basketball courts anywhere in the land.


When it comes back to England, the role changed from basketball to soccer.


TV, Newspapers, and Internet etc always constantly broadcast the latest result of professional soccer games.


When I am back from London to Canterbury by train several times, the newspapers always left on the sites is soccer, soccer, and soccer.


When I go to night bar to drink, life soccer game always follows me.  


Soccer has a significant meaning in British culture.  


What soccer is to the United Kingdom is what baseball is to Taiwan.


Why is baseball?  It is another long story.


To sum up, I chose to become American (basketball) rather than British (soccer) although being in British.


My basketball life begins since high school.


It is precious that having the opportunity to playing basketball especially in the European country.


The fun from basketball greatly surpasses shopping or drinking.

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子逸 2009-03-07 22:12:58




可惜... 難過... 2009-03-19 02:31:00