2009-02-23 10:51:22六隻腳的動物

Luck & Thanks


Since the last day of June 2008,


I arrived the country, England, far away my home town, Taiwan.


This is the first time I leave the lovely land.


After my military service, I came here.


Several year ago when graduating from university,


The future for me seems to be no clear answer.  


Maybe the study, the process, the travel is an exploration.


Explore other possibilities happen on myself.


I am looking for what I want and my future.


However, the exploration is so precious that average people cannot get one.


On the other hand,


Someone offers another idea; it is a way to invest myself.


In fact, this way needs a great deal of money.


It is likely that it cannot be returned all of my live.


However, the experience is priceless in my life.


It is lucky that having a so special experience in one’s short life.


Because I think that it is the lastest period to stay a different country in a so long  term.


After this, i need to begin my job and contribute to my family.


In human history, it is rare that a person can go to school without working so long  time.


When comparing with average people in my country, I am lucky.


Luck comes from parents’ hard working and money support.


Their grey hair not only presents their age but also their love.


The love expected nothing in turn.


Thanks for my good luck.


Thanks, Dad and Mom.

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