2019-03-26 17:01:09魯米傑夫

Cycling target: 50km per week

It was a continous raining this Monday, luckily became a sunny day today.

I chose the route to climb Songpo(松鼠坡),not really well in my Starva record cause I spent much engergy in the beginning of Shanglu Zhongshan rd., so not much to carry on the Songpo.

Songpo, the well-known as Central Science Industrial Park, is lot of people's ambition to get into the big company. TSMC, AUO, and the new Giant headquarter is accelarating to finishing the huge builing to show their gigantic power in Taiwan.

On my way toward the top, I was surprsingly to see one man, about 50-60 years old man, rode a common 3x7 mtb. Not sure why he picked up this road, but he was also trying hard to climb, too.

When I passed him, I said: Go! Go! to him. He also replied to me: Take your time.

Life is happlier just like this.

Back to topic: I need to ride 50km per week.


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