中文書名 | 英文書名 |
小王子 | The Little Prince |
老人與海 | The Old Man and the Sea |
先知 | The Prophet |
流浪者之歌 | Siddhartha Hermann Hesse |
愛的教育 | Coure |
茵夢湖 | Immensee |
湖濱散記 | Walden |
異鄉人 | The Outsider |
青鳥 | The Blue Bird |
野性的呼喚 | The Call of the Wild |
少年維特的煩惱 | The Sorrows of Young Werther |
馬克吐溫幽默小品 | Humorous Fables |
伊索寓言 | Aesops Fables |
愛麗思境中遊記 | Through the Looking-Glass |
動物農莊 | Animal Farm |
簡愛 | Jane Eyre |
霍桑短篇小說選 | Eleven Tales by Nathaniel Hawthorne |
羅賓漢 | The Adventures of Robin Hood |
湯姆歷險記 | The Adventures of Tom Sawyer |
金銀島 | Treasure Island |
奧亨利短篇小說選 | O.Henry's American Scenes |
傲慢與偏見 | Pride and Prejudice |
富蘭克林傳 | The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin |
海狼 | The Sea-wolf |
基度山恩仇記 | Monte Cristo |
小婦人 | Little Women |
孤雛淚 | Oliver Twist |
格林童話 | Grimm's Fairy Tales |
安徒生童話 | Andersen's Fairy Tales |
愛麗思夢遊仙境 | Alice's Adventures in Wonderland |
咆哮山莊 | Wuthering Heights |
莎士比亞故事 | Seven Tales from Shakespeare |
希臘神話故事 | Greek Stories |
莫泊桑小說選 | Guy de Maupassant's Scenes |
雙城記 | A Tale of Two Cities |
長腿叔叔 | Daddy-Long-Legs |
茶花女 | Dame aux Camellia |
塊肉餘生錄 | David Copperfield |
愛倫坡小說選 | Edgar Allan Poe's Scenes |
聖誕頌歌 | A Christmas Carol |
白鯨記 | Moby Dick (The Story of White Whale) |
天方夜譚 | Stories from the Arabian Nights |
浪漫情詩選 | Romantic Love Poems |
愛情故事 | Love Story |
黑色鬱金香 | The Black Tulip |
蝴蝶夢 | Rebecca |
木偶奇遇記 | The Adventures of Pinocchio |
世界童話軼事選集 | The World Fairy Tales And Anecdote |
魯賓遜漂流記 | Robinson Crusoe |
美國短篇小說選 | American Short Stories |
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