2011-06-12 21:53:32Julian






地點:台中市東區興大路5號 (或是台中市市府路97號)〈看人數決定〉




指導曲目    J. S. Bach/Italian concerto(巴赫/義大利協奏曲) (請大家準備樂譜)









1.  J. S. Bach / Italian concerto(冠寧)

2. 李儀芬 / Ocean(儀芬)

3. 羅美琪 / 追風奏鳴曲(美琪)

4. 黃秀詩 / Deep Blue(秀詩)

5. J. S. Bach / Italian concerto(秀詩)

p.s以上曲目除了J. S. Bach 之外,均是演出者要參加YAMAHA三級鋼琴檢定的創作曲,很值得聆聽喔!!



郭博士於1987年獲美國俄亥俄州立大學音樂藝術博士,主修鋼琴演奏。鋼琴主修期間,曾隨Catherine Smith、Tetley-Kardos及鋼琴大師Earl Wild學習鋼琴演奏。



Dr. Tzong-kai Kuo~Piano
Dr. Tzong-kai Kuo has an extensive and broad based background, well suited for someone in the field of education. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from Taiwan. His Master of Arts and Doctor of Musical Arts degrees are in piano performance, the former from Eastern Illinois University in 1978, and the later from the Ohio State University in 1987. Dr. Kuo has also studied music therapy and music education at Kansas University, and conducting at Indiana University. His piano professors have included Catherine Smith, Richard Tetley-Kardos and Earl Wild. Dr. Kuo also studied the performance of electronic organ, and electronic Keyboard orchestra ensemble at Japan University in 1998 for eight months; and “the ensemble composition and arrangeing of electronic keyboard Keyboard Orchestra” as a research topic at Southern California University in 1999 for six months. He have conducted many opera, concerto, and chorus works.

Dr. Kuo was chairman of the Tunghai University Music Department from 1988-1994. During this period, he was instrumental in the establishing of a graduate program in music. Dr. Kuo is an adviser to the Taiwan Provincial Government for reform of the curriculum of general high school music education.

Dr. Kuo currently teaches piano performance, piano pedagogy, the history of piano technique, the physiological and psychological fundation of piano performance, music behavier and education electronic keyboard orchestra, electronic and organ performance, and conducting at Tunghai University



曲目更改如下 2011-06-26 22:16:24

1. 羅美琪 / 追風奏鳴曲(美琪)

2. F. Liszt / Hungarian Rhapsody No.11(美琪)

3. 黃秀詩 / Deep Blue(秀詩)

4. J. S. Bach / Italian concerto(秀詩)