2010-02-17 01:22:38老不休


研究生(英文姓名):Chih-wei Tu
論文名稱: 應用仁本照顧理念於養生社區服務設施之研究
英文論文名稱:The Study of Applying Universal Ethics to Retirement Community Service Facility
指導教授(英文姓名): Shuo-Fang Liu
學位類別: 碩士
校院名稱: 國立成功大學 
系所名稱: 工業設計學系碩博士班
學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 115
關鍵詞: 養生社區 ; 歷史研究法 ; 仁本 ; 高齡者
英文關鍵詞: historical research ; universal ethics ;
retirement community ; the elders
被引用次數: 0
[ 摘要 ]
台灣長期的設計思維多以西方為主,在社會文化與環境規劃上也奉西方思想為圭臬,而漸失去了該有的獨創特色。本文藉歷史研究法重現中華文化的傳統思想,並以其歸納整理出以仁為本的設計原則。仁本設計應包含地、人三面向的思考,不僅著重於人本身,對人與自然、人與社會的和諧關係更顯重要。處於追求雙贏的社會環境中,應以仁本設計為考量,創造多贏甚至全贏的時代趨勢,並講求自然觀、土地觀與人性觀的天人合一概念。故本研究透過歷史研究法與專家訪談延伸出仁本設計的九大原則 : 人與自然平衡、萬物得宜、溝通、關懷、認同、歸屬、健康、安全與地域性,並以台南悠然山莊及台北潤福生活新象作為仁本九大原則之應用研究環境,來檢視現今養生社區不足處。研究結果顯示,養生社區應用仁本原則中,普遍缺乏人與自然的平衡、高齡者認同不足、防跌設施成效不彰以及未考量其因地制宜性四大要項。
[ 英文摘要 ]
The realization of aging society implies the aged population increase proportionally with gradually extended average life-span. With the modernization of society and promotion of living standard as well as changes of family structure and society pattern, people will pay more attention to post-retirement life quality . Consequently, the concepts of “retirement community” and “senior housing”, which primarily focus on the aged care and residence facility design, and also emphasize on the physcial and mental health development, are emerging gradually.
The requirement of the design in Taiwan was surrounding western thoughts for the past decades including social culture and environmental planning and losing eastern original characteristic. This research is based on historical research to recur traditional thought of Chinese culture, and conclude the design principle of universal ethics design. Universal ethics design should contain the consideraiton of three aspects: nature, ground, and human. Not only stressing human-orinated but also emphasizing the harmonious relationship between human and nature, and between human and society. In co-benfits society, we should apply universal ethics design to create the trend that whole benbit we obtained, and consider the concept of human combine with environment in nature aspect, earth aspect and human aspect. Therefore, this research is based on historical research and experts interview to promote nine disign principles of universal ethics design: the balance between human and nature, cohension, communication, care, identification, belongs, health, safety and location. Hence the subject were adopted at Youren Hills in Guanmiao and Taipei Ruen-Fu Life Dwelling. The results show the retirement communities are lacking of four points: lacking for balance between human and nature, be shorten of the elder’s identification, low efficiency in avoiding fall down facilities and consider appropriate location yet.

This research is based on the core of Chinese culture to explore the universal ethics design and the implications of Confucianism and Taoism with cosmology, and furthermore to develop the design principles according to universal ethics concept. Finally, the results would provide reference and suggestion to product design and interior design of future research.
[ 論文目次 ]
第一章 緒論
1.1 研究背景.......................................................1
1.2 研究動機.......................................................3
1.3 研究目的.......................................................6
1.4 研究範圍.......................................................6
1.5 研究流程.......................................................7
1.6 預期貢獻.......................................................9
第二章 文獻探討......................................................10
2.1 以仁本為照顧理念的意義........................................10
2.1.1 以仁本意義的探究........................................11
2.1.2 以仁本為理念的服務概念 .................................16
2.1.3 仁本與人本..............................................17
2.1.4 仁的核心思想--天人合一..................................19
2.2 高齡者居住之環境建構..........................................22
2.2.2 高齡者環境建構..........................................24 北歐與英國高齡者住宅探討............................25 日本高齡者住宅發展方向..............................31 國內高齡者住宅探討..................................32
2.2.3 小結....................................................34
2.3 養生社區定義.......................... ........................34
2.4 文獻歸納之仁本理念.............................................36
第三章 研究方法......................................................42
3.1 研究設計.......................................................42
3.2 研究方法.............. ........................................44
3.2.1 歷史研究法..............................................44
3.2.2 專家訪談法..............................................46
3.2.2 使用者訪Contextmapping..................................46
第四章 養生社區調查及分析............................................51
4.1 研究環境.......................................................57
4.2 深度訪談之專家資料.............................................51
4.3 文獻歸納的養生社區原則專家篩選.................................58
4.4 使用者訪談資料.................................................63
4.5 仁本原則於養生社區受訪結果.....................................68
4.6 應用仁本理念已落實於養生社區之探討.............................71
4.6.1 養生社區追求空間的萬物得宜..............................72
4.6.2 養生社區適時地與高齡者進行溝通..........................73
4.6.3 著重親子間的關懷與社交活動..............................77
4.6.4 養生社區空間設計趨向人性化..............................80
4.6.5 對機構的收容觀感轉為生活的場所..........................82
4.6.6 養生社區著重高齡者健康..................................83
4.6.7 重視高齡者設施之行動安全................................85
4.6.8 養生社區的交通安全考量..................................95
4.7 應用仁本理念未落實於養生社區之探討.............................97
4.7.1 缺乏人與自然平衡.......................................98
4.7.2 高齡者認同感不足.......................................99
4.7.3 防跌設施成效不彰......................................101
4.7.4 未考量其因地制宜性....................................105
4.8 小結..........................................................106
第五章 結論與建議..................... .............................107
5.1 研究結論......................................................107
5.2 研究建議......................................................109
5.3 研究貢獻......................................................110

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