2003-04-28 18:20:35南方獸



◎報刊雜誌摘譯:Vietnam announces successful control of SARS(越南宣稱成功控制SARS)。來源:新華網(http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2003-04/28/content_852018.htm),2003/4/28。

【河內訊】越南衛生部部長週一宣佈,該國已成功控制「嚴重急性呼吸道症候群(SARS,Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)」。自從二月底發現第一個SARS病患開始,越南共有63個案例,包括5名死亡病例。部長表示,所有受感染的病例都以痊癒,本週將會撤銷對於其家人的隔離。她說,從四月八日發現最後一個可能病例後,越南沒有再出現新病例。
不過,部長表示,透過旅遊而進入越南的SARS威脅仍然嚴峻。因此,越南將繼續加強邊境的檢疫。為了控制疫情,越南已經加強社區監控與邊境檢疫,在機場、港口等處建立了獨立的檢疫區域,進出越南的旅客必須填寫健康申報表。同時,世界衛生組織(WHO,World Health Organization)駐越南代表也表示,越南是全球第一個控制SARS疫情的國家。

  HANOI, April 28 (Xinhuanet) -- Vietnam has successfully controlled the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), Vietnamese Minister of Health Tran Thi Trung Chien announced at a press conference on Monday.
  Since the first SARS patient was detected at the end of February, there have been in total 63 infected cases in the country, including five deaths, she said, adding that all the infected cases have fully recovered and will be discharged to their families this week.
  From the date of the last probable case reported on April 8, 2003, no new case was reported in Vietnam, she noted.
  However, the minister also noted that the threat of SARS importation to Vietnam through international travel is great. As a result, the country still continues to intensify border health quarantine.
  In order to control the disease, Vietnam has strengthened community surveillance, and health quarantine at border gates, airports and ports. Quarantine areas with isolation rooms have been established at these places. The health declaration form has been applied for entry and exist passengers to and from Vietnam. Health quarantine staff has been strengthened and on duty round the clock, Chien said.
At the press conference, Pascale Brudon, representative of the World Health Organization (WHO) in Vietnam, also said that Vietnamis the first country in the world that well controls SARS. Enditem

◎論文摘要摘譯(Abstract):Changing Gender Relations in Vietnam's Post Doi Moi Era(越南後Doi Moi時期,改變中的性別關係)。http://www.worldbank.org/gender/prr/14abstract.htm。By Lynellyn Long, Le Ngoc Hung, Allison Truitt, Le Thi Phuong Mai, and Dang Nguyen Anh。


This study documents existing evidence on the gender effects of the recent social and economic transition in Vietnam. Although gender disparities are often attributed to Confucian traditions around men and women’s roles, these traditions alone do not explain the variant forms of gender inequality in Vietnam today. The formation of new social hierarchies arising from the transition to a market economy further raises the question of whether gender alone without reference to other forms of social differentiation is an adequate analytic construct for assessing the impact of the reforms. This report provides an analysis of national trends, a review of the recent literature on gender, and a household level analysis of gender roles in both an urban and a rural community. Findings are presented on changing intra-household relations, mobility and social differentiation in the market economy, and new forms of political participation and knowledge. Specific recommendations are provided to address emerging gender inequalities at the household and community level and in light of larger national trends.

◎書評(book review):Lost Over Laos: A True Story of Tragedy, Mystery, and Friendship(消失的寮國:悲劇、神秘、友誼的真實故事), by Richard Pyle, Horst Faas。http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0306811960/qid=1051522700/sr=8-1/ref=sr_8_1/102-5385732-0527369?v=glance&s=books&n=507846

1971年,四位戰地記者喪命於美國入侵寮國的戰役中。本書是對於此事私密卻動人的回憶,記錄了越戰中簡短但重要、尤其關於平民苦難生計的內部觀察。Pyle與Faas兩位一同在越南採訪,並與四位死者:Larry Burrows、Henri Huet、Kent Potter、Keisaburo Shimamoto情誼深厚,這也增添了傳記的深度。

This deeply moving and personal recollection of the lives and work of the only four combat journalists killed during the 1971 U.S. invasion of Laos is an excellent short history of an important part of the Vietnam War as well as a fascinating insiders' look at the rugged life of civilian photographers during wartime. Former Saigon bureau chief Pyle (Schwarzkopf: The Man, the Mission, the Triumph) and Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer Faas (Requiem: By the Photographers Who Died in Vietnam and Indochina) worked together for the Associated Press in Vietnam and were close friends with the men who died, which adds depth to their biographies: Larry Burrows, whose famous work for Life magazine made his name "the most closely identified with pictures of armed conflict in Indochina;" the Vietnamese-born Henri Huet, whose work earned the Overseas Press Club's Robert Capa Award; the passionate young Kent Potter, who threatened the United Press International "to resign if forced to leave the war zone;" and Keisaburo Shimamoto, a seasoned Vietnam correspondent with the "high-powered" French agency Gamma who had just returned for his third tour of Vietnam as a freelancer. Pyle provides an excellent look at the history of North Vietnam's use of Laos for its Ho Chi Minh Trail to arm its soldiers in South Vietnam, and he shows how its success provoked President Nixon's invasion of both Laos and Cambodia. Most moving is Pyle's account of how he and Faas returned to Laos 27 years later to search for-and successfully find-the wreckage of the dead journalists' helicopter, along with some of their personal and photographic effects, a journey that becomes a tribute to every journalist who covered the Vietnam War.