古早味家常絲瓜麵線 清爽鮮甜 健康無負擔 Classic Home-style Loofah Noodles
古早味家常絲瓜麵線 清爽鮮甜 健康無負擔
Classic Home-style Loofah Noodles: Refreshing, Sweet, and Healthy
【料理影音剪輯請參考 https://youtu.be/A0q6BSph32I】
In the hot weather, it is quite hard to stay in the kitchen and cook. In order to reduce the time of sweating, of course, we should cook some simple and fast dishes~~
Loofah noodles are a perfect choice for a refreshing summer dish. Not only is it quick and delicious, but the noodles also have the natural freshness and sweetness of loofah, along with the tender texture and aroma of eggs. This classic home-style loofah noodles contain the essence of flavors, making them soft, smooth, and very appetizing on a hot summer day!!
【For cooking video please to https://youtu.be/A0q6BSph32I】
材料 food preparation
麵線 Noodles 1把/handful
雞蛋 eggs 2顆
絲瓜 loofah 半顆/half
薑片ginger 2~3片/slices
麻油 sesame oil 1大匙/tbsp
水 water 500ml
鹽巴 salt 2~3小匙/teaspoon
白胡椒粉 white pepper 適量/appropriate amount
步驟做法 Steps
1. 絲瓜削皮切塊,薑片切末。
Peel and dice the loofah, and chop the ginger slices.
2. 取一平底鍋,倒入麻油熱鍋,再加入薑末爆香。
Take a flat-bottomed pan and pour in sesame oil. Heat the pan and then add the finely chopped ginger to stir-fry until fragrant.
3. 倒入500ml水,煮滾後將絲瓜下鍋。
Pour in 500ml of water and bring it to a boil. Once boiling, add the diced loofah to the pot
4. 等絲瓜煮軟後,加入麵線。
Once the loofah has softened, add the noodles to the pot.
5. 等麵線煮熟後(約2~3分鐘),再加入白胡椒粉、鹽巴調味。
Wait until the noodles are cooked (about 2~3 minutes), add white pepper and salt to season.
6. 最後加入蛋液,擱置數秒後再稍加攪拌,盛盤前再灑些許蔥花即完成。
Finally, add the beaten egg liquid and let it sit for a few seconds before gently stirring. Just before serving, garnish with a sprinkle of chopped green onions, and it's ready to be served.
With a slightly moist and tender texture, it offers a delightful taste when savored!!