2008-08-08 20:28:26☆♂阿~哲↘★


1.Batista 絕招:Demon Bomb(Batista Bomb)

2.Chris Jericho 絕招:Walls of Jericho/Liontamer

3.CM PUNK 絕招:Pepsi Plunge (Top-Rope Pedigree)
The GTS (Go-To-Sleep)

4.Cody Rhodes 絕招:The Regal Stretch
The Power Of The Punch

5.JBL 絕招:Clothesline From Hell

6.John Cena 絕招:The STF-U Submission
The FU/Thuganomics 101
(Modified Death Valley Driver)
The Proto-Bomb (in OVW)
aka The Killswitch (in WWE)

7.Kane 絕招:Tombstone Piledriver
Chokeslam from Hell

8.Kofi Kingston 絕招:Cool Runnings

9.Randy Orton 絕招: RKO

10.Rey Mysterio 絕招:6-1-9 & West Coast Pop

11.Shawn Michaels(HBK) 絕招:Sweet Chin Music