TOEIC多益考試考古題解析 多益高分名師針對多益歷年考古題型解析,讓您掌握正確準備方向。 文法閱讀技巧 多益TOEIC歷年常考的文法句型 |
1.主詞動詞一致 |
For each seminar, we have to register and pay before the registration date on which the seminar _________ (a) begin (b) began (c) begins (d) beginning
ANS: (c ), 主詞seminar是單數名詞,句子時態由have to 得知是現在式,且the seminar 是單數主詞,故選begins。
2.動詞時態十二種 ( 1 現在簡單式, 2 過去式, 3 未來式, 4 現在進行式,5 過去進行式, 6 未來進行式 7 現在完成式, 8 過去完成式, 9 未來完成式, 10 現在完成進行式,11 過去完成進行式,12 未來完成進行式 ) |
The company profits _______ dramatically last year. (a) rose (b) risen (c) rise (d) raised
ANS: (a), 主詞是the company profits,時間是last year過去式,故要選過去動詞。
The news _______ by the time the error was found. (a) has already been released (b) already releases (c ) already released (d) had already been released
ANS: (d),by the time (等到…),本句文意”等到錯誤過去被發現時,新聞早已公佈出去。” 比過去更早發生的動作要用”過去完成式”,即had+過去分詞。
3.主動與被動形態 |
Some service fees will be_______ whenever a client withdraws money from the account. (a) charge (b) change (c) charging (d) charged
ANS: (d) ,被動式公式”主詞+be. 動詞 + 過去分詞”,故服務費會被收取是service fees will be charged.
4.單複數名詞,集合名詞 |
Responsibility, along with communication skills, ____ required for our candidates. (a) is (b) are (c) be (d) is to ANS: (a), 真正的主詞是responsibility 是單數名詞,而不是skills,故需要用單數動詞is
5.IF假設法(與現在事實相反,與過去事實相反) |
If I _______ the company, I would have hired him. (a)owned (b) own (c ) have owned (d) had owned
ANS: (d), 從後半段結果句would have hired可看出過去完成式,故可知句型是描述與過去相反的假設句,因此前半段條件句要用had+過去分詞,即”如果我擁有這間公司,我就會雇用他”。實際上表達的意思是”我過去並沒有擁有這問公司,所以我沒有雇用他。”
狀況 | If 條件句 | 結果句 | 例句 | 與現在事實同(可能實現) | 現在式 | 現在式( 表達習慣) 或未來式 (表達未來可能性) | If it rains, I drive to school. 或 If it rains, I will drive to school. | 與現在事實相反 | 一般動詞過去式或 were | Would +v. | If I owned the company, I would hire him. If I were the boss, I would hire him. | 與過去事實相反 | had+過去分詞 | Would have +過去分詞 | If I had owned the company 2 years ago, I would have hired him. |
6.連接詞(and, or, but, although, however, since, in addition……) |
________ the agent said the market was healthy, he refused to invest more money in stock. (a) in addition (b) since (c) even though (d) however
ANS : ( c) 由於句子的語氣前後相反,”雖然…,但是…” 故選(c),空格後接子句。翻譯:雖然營業員說市場是健康的,但他拒絕投資股票。
______ two centuries, the diamond has been used as the symbol of the love. (a) Since (b) For (c) In (d) From
ANS: (b),這句的時態是現在完成式, since+ 過去一個時間點,for +期間,in+未來的一個時間,用於未來式。
7.關係代名詞(who, whom, whose, which, where, that) |
Many students from medical schools want to be a doctor _____ annual income is higher than that of a nurse. (a) who (b) which (c) that (d) whose ANS : (d), whose annual income is ……,whose用來表示醫生的年收入翻譯:很多醫學院的學生想要當醫生,而醫生的年收入比護士的高。 |
先行詞 | 關係代名詞 | 後面接 | 例句 | 人(主詞) | who或that | v. | The man who lives here is my brother. | 東西 | which 或that | v. | The book which is on the desk is mine. | 人或東西的 | whose | 一般名詞 | The dog whose tail is black is mine. | 人(受詞)+介系詞 | 東西+介系詞 | whom 或 which 子句 | The boy whom I called yesterday is John. The city in which I stayed for 10 years has changed. | 地點 | where=in which | 子句 | The city where I stayed for 10 years has changed. |
8.不定詞(to v.)和動名詞(ving) |
The principal suggested _______ an anti-drug campaign for students. (a) to launch (b) launching (c) launch (d) launched
ANS : (b), suggest 這個字後面一定要加動名詞(Ving)
補充:要加動名詞(Ving)的字如: admit, mind, deny, delay, enjoy, postpone, prevent , keep, appreciate, recommend, consider, commit, quit, prefer 要加不定詞( to V)的字如: afford, fail, ask, decide, demand, choose, expect, wish, hope, want, manage, offer, intend , promise, refuse, expect, permit, seem, hesitate
9.比較級和最高級 |
This program is ______ selling software on the market in Asia. (a) fastest (b) faster (c) the fast (d) the fastest
ANS: (d),本題表示市場上銷售最快的軟體,故(d)為最高級的正確用法。
比較級公式: 兩個音節以內的形容詞直接+er+ than,三個音節以上的形容詞則more +adj +than, 最高級公式: 兩個音節以內的形容詞the+形容詞+est,三個音節以上的形容詞則the most +adj.
10.分詞形容詞 |
The _________ report has been sent to the headquarters this morning. (a) complete (b) completed (c) completing (d) competent
ANS : (b),空格需要一個形容詞來形容報告,而(b)是形容詞,指被完成的報告。原句the report is completed. 可變化為 the completed report (主詞)+ v. + o. (d)雖是形容詞,但是文意是”有能力的” 。
11.感官動詞 |
Although his speech was very ________, many found it too boring. (a) interest (b) interested (c) interesting (d) interestingly
ANS: (c),因為interest是感官動詞,用來形容人的情緒是用Ved, 形容東西是用Ving。常考的字有bore, amaze, surprise, disappoint, excite, exhaust, frighten, satisfy, tire, worry, terrify, assure, embarrass
12.代名詞 |
The police are closing the one land of the road so that _____can conduct the routine check. (a) he (b) they (c) their (d) theirs
ANS: (b), 由are可得知主詞the police 是複數名詞,故用they做為代名詞。The police 為集合名詞,是指”警察們”,其他用法”the rich有錢人們”都是複數。
13. 相似單字 |
Your reports can be sent _________or by mail. (a) electron (b) electrical (c) electronically (d) electronic
ANS : ( c), 這裡需要副詞來修飾be sent這個動詞.electron(電子,名詞),electrical(電子的,形容詞),electronically(用電子方式地,副詞),electrical(與電氣有關的,形容詞)。補充: 其他要注意的相似字,如:advice (n) advise (v) / effect (n) affect (v) /
14. 字義/詞性/相似字 |
The _________of the passengers will transfer at this airport. (a) most (b) major (c) majority (d) more
ANS : (C), The _____of the________,其中空格都是名詞,而其他選項都不是名 詞。
15. 使役動詞(make, let, have..) |
Make checks ______ to A &D Co. (a) payable (b) paying (c) paid (d) payment
ANS: (a) ,以下是make的用法 1.V原 Make受詞+ 2.adj. 3.n 本題考開支票的用法… make a check payable to = make out a check to
16. 片語 |
He was disappointed to hear that his proposal was ________. (a) turned up (b) turned down (c) turned over (d) turned on
ANS: (b),考片語的意思turn up(出現,發生),turn down(拒絕),turn over(翻),turn on(打開)
多益TOEIC老師推薦好的多益書 TOEIC BOOKS |
多益英文程度: 初級 1.Longman Preparation Series for the TOEIC Test 4/e (introductory)Lougheed, Lin (敦煌) 2. toeic 多益測驗入門(知英) 3. 朗文多益題型解析 (培生) 多益英文程度: 中級 1. Complete Guide to TOEIC by Rogers, Bruce 第3版 (敦煌) 2.Longman Preparation Series for the TOEIC Test 4/e (intermediate)Lougheed, Lin (敦煌)
多益英文程度: 中高級 1.Longman Preparation Series for the TOEIC Test 4/e (Advance)Lougheed, Lin (敦煌) 2.Oxford Practice tests for the TOEIC test. #2. (敦煌) 3.The Official TOEIC Test Preparation Guide(with audio CD)敦煌 Longman Preparation Series for the TOEIC Test( More practices )Lougheed, Lin (敦煌)
其他多益書籍: 多益商用英文書 TOEIC Business Idioms from Silicon Valley(敦煌) 多益單字書600 Essential Words For the TOEIC Test by Longheed, Lin (笛籐) 多益練習題Oxford Practice tests for the TOEIC test. #2. (敦煌) 多益文法書 Azar English Grammar (敦煌書局) ,有英文文法基礎和英文文法進階 |