2003-08-10 18:03:42尚未設定

* it's okay *

really nth special in these few days, even in this month r!!

hai, i dunno y r....although im hving my summer holiday, im not always in gd mood law!!

actually, i hope i can get a job earlier in July, but so shit that im still sending cv law....hai. b4,i planned if i can get a job in holiday, then i wont study yr 3 ga la...but now i hv no choice lu!!

earlier in July, im happy that i can meet many of my fds~ coz a lot of them birth in this month, sure including me la^^~ v go camp la, hv drinks @ nite, sing k n play ma jor...really many meetings r!!

however, i seldom find any sacred heart fds r....except karen law. really want to meet them ga! but sum of them hv to work la...sum of them really far away fr me r...>_<~

i miss blueblue, kk, celia, yuki, karen, shesay n many of u r!!! hope that i can meet all of u b4 starting our new sch term la!

yesterday i chat phone w/ my fd, she is charlotte....my gd fd in ymca, but v seldom meet each ohter after studying in sacred heart! coz v r not in same class la, n v meet different fds....but v hv phone chat yesternite...very happy!

one more happy thing is that i chat phone w/ joey earlier this month r. really long long time no contact w/ her lu...she is my pen-fd actually. v met 3 yrs ago...v r old fd lu...haha^^~ but still, i hvt meet her this summer wor...so shit r, she hv to work, nvm la!! i will wait for u ga!

eddie...sor r, v met one yr la, but v hvt meet once law....also my brother r chun...hehe, really sor abt that!! hope that v still hv chance la....^^

all of my fds know that i wish i can meet my bf more ga....coz i only meet him once a week during sch day, holiday will be better ge, two times a week law....not enough for me r!!!!!!!! sumtime, its really hard for me only c u once a week ga...miss u much* i cant c u until v r together for more than half yr....dun want to face this again*

i know u r really bc in ur sch life, n u like sports, rite?? may be u think that it is enough for us to meet once a week....i can say nth abt this...u r sporty but im not...hai, dun want to hv argue w/ u r...i know that u hv exam in Aug, u hv to joy many functions! okay, im understand ga...but understand not mean i accept law, actually im not happy abt this ga, but these r ur duties, ur works...so i hv nth to say!!

ppl say that lovers no need to c everyday ga....it's too much for them ma...n it will bore each other ma, rite? but i think i need this law.

honey, i know that u love me n i love u....u treat me gd, care abt me....i know all of these, but one thing i need most is i can c u more, it's really important to me r. do u know???

charlotte, do u agree abt this? i know that u r facing the same problem w/ me r....v r so poor>_<~