2004-10-21 11:37:15。 2-D*★

Good Night

I finally got to watch the 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind' by Michael Gondry last night. I stupidly thought that it would be like typical Hollywood romance and never thought of watching it. But as many friends have praised it much, I was so excited to rent one yesterday. You know what, if you have too high expectation before watching a film, it always ends up with disappointment. But it surely does not apply on this film. I really love the Jim Carrey in this film, he has changed a lot and has been much more spontaneous. I reckon he should keep on. And I love the imaginative and romantic plots and scenes in the film. I got so much thoughts after it, stunned in the middle of the night.

And you know where does the film title originate?
It's such a beautiful and romantic name, I would say.

Do you like quotes, Howard?

How do you mean?

Oh, um, like famous quotes. I find
reading them inspirational to me. And in
my reading I've come across some I
thought you might like, too.

Oh. Well, I'd love to hear some.

Mary is thrilled, beside herself. She tries to calm down.

Okay, um, there's one that goes "Blessed
are the forgetful, for they get the
better even of their blunders."

Is that Nietzsche?

Yeah, yeah it is, Howard. And here I was
thinking I could tell you something you
didn't know.

It's a good quote, Mary. I'm glad we
both know it.

He smiles at her. She's flustered, flattered.

There's another one I like, I read. It's
by Pope Alexander.

Alexander Pope?

Yes, shit. Oops, sorry!
(puts hand over mouth)
Sorry. It's just I told myself I wasn't
going to say Pope Alexander and sound
like a dope and then I go ahead and do
it. Like I psyched myself out.

It's no big deal.

You are such a sweetheart.

There's an embarrassed moment as that line hangs in the air.
Then Mary plunges ahead to bury it.

Anyway, the quote goes "How happy is the
blameless Vestal's lot! The world
forgetting, by the world forgot: Eternal
sunshine of the spotless mind! Each
prayer accepted, and each wish resign'd".

She smiles, proud and embarrassed.

That's lovely.