2006-04-20 22:29:48hc

筆記AUBADE (法) 晨間音樂([

RL:「今天為大家介紹 aubade ,法文拼寫形式相同。原以為會有許多浪漫文摘,竟出乎意料之外地英法從缺。不過,我也不曉得「晨歌、晨曲」的音樂作品有哪些。」

音樂詞語 AUBADE (法) 晨間音樂([
Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory
by Cuddon - Literary Criticism - 1998 - 1163 pages
Page 60 - There is a theory that the aubade grew out of the night watchman’s announcement
... An interesting modern example is William Empson’s Aubade (1940). ...或Philip Larkin 之詩 Aubade
In the aubade that follows the lovers’ wedding night, there is no hint of ...
Gentle and quiet, the aubade suggests that as Juliet has healed Romeo’s name【第三幕第五景】
