2005-06-30 19:54:59hc

**書志: 芥川龍之介全集、『八月炮火』、《西方正典》

**書志: 芥川龍之介全集、『八月炮火』、《西方正典:偉大作家和不朽作品》

芥川龍之介(Akutagawa, Ryunosuke):作品名.; 蜘蛛の糸; 蜜柑; 地獄変……. 1892–1927, Japanese author. One of Japan's finest short-story writers, he derived many of his tales from historical Japanese sources, but told them with psychological insights in an individualistic style. “Rashomon”(1915 這「羅生門」收入英文字眼) and “In a Grove” (1921) were made into the classic 1950 film Rashomon, directed by Akira Kurosawa. His later writings, largely autobiographical fiction, were not successful, and this lack of popular response may have contributed to his suicide.
精彩書介’芥川龍之介 『侏儒の言葉』1978 近代文学館・ほるぷ
(芥川龍之介全集(全5冊).,, 山東文藝出版社,2005 --《全集》共五大卷,近300万字,包括小说148篇、诗歌14篇、小品55篇、随笔66篇、游记9篇、评论43篇及日记、书信等,由林少华等15位日本文学研究界的专家集5年之力翻译而成。)

他進英文系【或許這比他說「中庸」=good sense (分別, 良識)更具震撼力。】
似乎從高中就讀英譯的法國文學,之後譯些法文故事(Blangui 之夢等……比較「法蘭西文學與我」中說,日本文壇多只受19世紀法蘭西文學影響,沒有古典…….。他自己說,只能讀英文(「我的生活--生為男子漢的價值 1920」));引趙甌北「論詩」和「通臂猿」(「文藝雜話 饒舌」)等等….

*****塔奇曼『八月炮火』( The Gun of August by Barbara W. Tuchman),北京:新星出版社,2005/6/30

這作者名字之發音,翻譯錯誤:Tuch•man (tŭck'mən) , Barbara Wertheim 1912–1989.
American historian who won a Pulitzer Prize for The Guns of August (1962) and for Stilwell and the American Experience in China (1971).
如果沒有把握,應該參考各種發音辭典,如Oxford Pronunciation Dictionary 或 『BBC英國人名發音辭典』等。
據Oxford Pronunciation Dictionary,我們以前討論的Laputa ,英美發音不同,不過,Laputan則只一種發音。

The Guns of August (1962) (also published as August 1914) is a military history book by Barbara Tuchman describing the crisis and events of the first 30 days of World War I. Beginning on July 28, 1914, The Guns of August plays out the cataclysm of events that lead to Continental War, as well as the strategies behind the war which would lead to inevitable stalemate.】
◎ Harold Bloom, The Western Canon: The Books and School of the Ages (New York: Harcourt Brace, 1994

◎ Harold Bloom著 西方正典-歷代經典學派 (The Western Canon, the Books and the Schools of the
Ages). 高志仁譯.,台北:立緒文化出版社,2002,定價:420元

◎ 哈羅德•布魯姆(Harold Bloom)《西方正典:偉大作家和不朽作品》江寧康譯,南京:譯林出版社,2005年5月 定價:34.80元 【江寧康(南京大學外國語學院教授)】

hc有第一、三本(無台灣版)。江寧康譯本應該還不錯(我只先讀第15章:易卜生:山妖和『培爾‧金特』)--*Ttrolls and Peer Gent
這troll 或許翻譯成「巨怪」比較恰當,因為高三米多,重上噸。此外、山、林、水處多可找到他們….


我用一問:「repertory theater レパートリー劇場.」之中文稱呼?

◎repertory theater,我(stone)唸書時覺得姚老師將之稱為<定目劇場>真是聰明的翻譯。
◎或翻譯「保留劇目劇院*」(哈羅德•布魯姆(Harold Bloom)《西方正典:偉大作家和不朽作品》江寧康譯,南京:譯林出版社,2005年,p.272)
◎ rl:「常備劇目的劇場或劇團」


━━ n. (知識・情報の)蓄え, 宝庫; 貯蔵(所); 【劇】レパートリー方式; レパートリー劇団[劇場]; =repertoire.
repertory company レパートリー劇団.
*American Repertory Theatre
Located at Harvard Square in Cambridge, MA, the American Repertory Theatre is the Boston area''s Tony-award winning professional theater.
The Loeb Drama Center, located near Harvard Square at 64 Brattle Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, is the headquarters of the American Repertory Theatre and houses its main box office.
The Loeb''s 556-seat theatre is the venue for most A.R.T. productions as well as fall and spring mainstage productions of the Harvard-Radcliffe Dramatic Club (HRDC). The building also contains the Loeb Ex, or Experimental Theatre, a "black box" that is used by the A.R.T.''s Institute for Advanced Theatre Training and the HRDC.
see also: Zero Arrow Theatre - Parking & Dining Discounts
讀點Peer Gynt by Henrik Ibsen 。找不到留英時無意中買的Geoffrey Hill (Penguin Classics) 翻譯本。H. Bloom說, Hill 不說他的佳作為translation,不過,它遠比其他譯本好得太多。問題之一是:Peer為詩劇…..一般散文翻譯只能表意。