2007-07-03 00:10:56KELVIN LAM

We are younger!

I am a old man. how old? 25years. It is a disbelieve age. We can’t dope out the future, we difficult to find a ideal project for struggle, but we know no much time to dissipation, beacuse you and me need earn much money for life, must be do a good reputation to our parents and get the succeed on our enterprise.

We come from differernt place on the world,but we are friends and make sure we can do some signs and wonders for ourselvis.

Simon, 27 , from HK, the object is do a useful man, hope have a own shop deal in sports things.

Alex, 28 , from Malaysia, the goal is refund all indebtedness in 2 years and have a blest marriage.

Jones, 19 , from Hk, the dream is be a youngest pilot in China, the dream will be come true after this year.

Kelvin, 25, it is me, I hope do a successful business in worldwide trade.

That is all our wish, sample and easy if we work hard. Hope we have a bright future. Everything is no impossible for us ,because we are yonger!
原鄉人阿姐 2007-07-10 13:29:21


阿姐大家光臨,寒舍篷蓽生輝,謝謝你來看我,不知不覺,我們在這裡認識快兩年了,kelvin弟真是慚愧,沒有些許進步,我一定努力多一點,今後才能乘坐阿姐的魚翅航空--翺翔萬里,神采飛揚。祝阿姐,一切順心! 2007-07-10 23:59:29
mega 2007-07-05 21:00:36

need more efforts on yuor English. i believe you will succeed, someday.

這位“兆豐財爺”,小弟記住你的鼓勵,一定好好學習,天天向上,嘻嘻! 2007-07-10 23:55:17
XY Chen 2007-07-04 21:40:41

May your wishes become true!

陳美女,承蒙你的貴言,“妄想”一定會實現啦! 2007-07-10 23:55:41