2005-01-28 00:20:25西藏喇嘛






改變,可以是“好”, 可以是“壞”,我相信這兩年的時間,我的改變,是“好”的!

It is finally ended!

The evening tuition is finally over!

No more mid- night suppers due to the late school time!
No more self- restriction of evening entertainments because of homework when friends are all out to enjoy their nights!
No more difficult lesson in the evening after the tiring day time job!

Yet, I am proud of having such an experience from this evening tuition because there are valuable experiences I gained from all these evenings in the institution.

After these prolong years, my shallow understanding of ‘design’ has gradually change and understood the real meaning of ‘design’. I become more passion to arts. These is what I gained from all these evening.

After these two years, I learnt not only the skills and techniques but more important that I learned how to be more thoughtful about design. My view has been broadening because of this evening course. These experiences, skills and knowledge will be useful in my future career development.

Sometime, changes could be either “positive” or “negative” but I believe I have changed positively.