2006-11-27 11:08:06愛旅遊的大男孩

英語教學課程~TESOL Course

TESOL-Teaching English to speakers of other languages<程度~中高級以上>
TEFL-Teaching English to Foreign Language<強調~教外國語為第一語言>
CELTA-Certificate of English Language Teaching to Adult<強調~成人~這個要去念的英文程度要接近母語人士/全民英檢至少要高級以上>

What’s the difference between Trinity TESOL, TEFL, CLETA, and Cambridge CELTA? <這三種證書有沒有差異?>

One very important difference is that only TESOL and CELTA are recognised worldwide. We do not recommend teaching certification that is not internationally recognised. For employment purposes, these internationally recognised certifications are much better, and between them, CELTA is more widely accepted by employers, as is the case in New Zealand and Australia. There are some differences between the two in quality control administration and perspectives on methodology.


Will I be able to find a job?<我可以找到工作嗎?>

At a regional and national level demand may fluctuate but globally and overall there has been a sustained high demand for English language teachers. TESOL certification is the very best choice to enhance a new teacher’s employability. Our TESOL graduates have consistently found teaching work both in New Zealand and abroad. The course includes workshops dedicated to helping you find the kind of work that you want, which includes providing you with names and addresses of schools, resources for job search and skills development on the Internet, and interview preparation. As a major international TESOL Centre in New Zealand and worldwide, we are host to recruiters who come to speak with each graduating TESOL class.


How can I be sure I will pass and be certified?<我怎麼可以確定說我會通過而且最後拿到證書>

The course assessment is continuous. You are given one-to-one counselling to focus on your strengths and to identify areas in need of development. The grades awarded are Pass, Pass ‘B’, and Pass ‘A’, based primarily on teaching ability and competence in lesson planning. The written assignments are also taken into account for the final grade. The application and interview process is designed to ensure that only applicants likely to succeed on the course are accepted.


Is the TESOL Cert. in NZ different from other TESOL programmes in other countries?<紐西蘭的tesol跟其他國家的有不一樣嗎>

All centres have the same internationally recognised Cambridge University approval and all candidates receive the same certificate as they would at any other centre in the world. Courses may vary from centre to centre but each TESOL centre, trainer and course is externally assessed and accredited by Cambridge University to the same high international standard.

