2004-06-16 00:18:15Jenny

一起在英國長大:【生活日記68】Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet
This is seriously cool, guys. I went to watch Romeo and Juliet at the RSC (Royal Shakespeare Company) Theatre. It has modern decorations, so it looked grand, but I’d prefer a theatre with carvings and paintings. Anyway, the props were the balcony and a door-at the beginning that is.

If you don’t know the story of Romeo and Juliet, then don’t even think of your end-of –the-term test because if you would fail, but, just in case you don’t know it, here’s what roughly happens.

Two families in Verona. Both were enemies. Then, one night, Romeo, young son of Lord of Montague, met Juliet, daughter of rich Capulet. They fell in love and married the next day. Now Tybalt, cousin of Juliet, picked a fight with Romeo. Romeo killed him. He was banished. Juliet’s father betrothed her to the County Paris. However, on the eve of her marriage, Juliet drank a portion to make her look dead so that she wouldn’t have to marry Paris (Note: She was already married to Romeo.) However, Romeo, banished to Mantua, heard that Juliet was ‘dead’. In his grief, he bought a bottle of poison and drank it, and fell dead beside Juliet. Juliet woke, found Romeo lying beside her, and committed a suicide with Romeo’s dagger.

So there’s the story of Romeo and Juliet. When I watched it on TV, it was good, but watching it live is brilliant. Even though the characters speak from the original script, the sword fighting and the bright color of the costumes really did bring the play to life. I know that Shakespeare’s scripts are hard to understand, but just by looking at what the actors were doing you could guess what they were talking about, well almost. The thing that impressed me most was that the actors spoke so like ancient English. I know that I couldn’t do it. I only knew about four or five lines. I also liked the setting. Even though it was plain, it had the very atmosphere of an Italian town.

The actor I liked best was Mercutio, friend of Romeo, because I think the actor got Mercutio’s character just right. Brave, witty and funny, that’s Mercutio’s character. In fact, I wouldn’t mind playing Mercutio. It was a pity that he was killed.

Ah well, all good things must come to an end, and so must the show. I’m really addicted to Romeo and Juliet now.



