2004-02-29 06:51:00Jenny




As you know, Rumpelstiltskin is a famous fairy tale story by some writer, written about a century ago. Rumpelstiltskin is, of course, for babies. Everyone knows that, I mean, if fairy tales aren't for babies, then who are they for? For all of us of course! Watching a play is pleasant, but when you are watching a play that (you think) is too babyish for you and then find that it's not, then it's been made ten times more pleasant, especially as James and Heather had been invited as well. Apparently, Heather has a great interest in plays, even when she despises acting and drama so much.

You might think that the play 'Rumpelstiltskin' would be very babyish and soppy, but I don't blame you. Rumpelstiltskin was actually a fairy tale, but not anymore! You see the writer of this fantastic show (who surprisingly happens to be my brother's math teacher when he was in Stoke Hill First) had changed bits here and there. Not so boring so that we might fall asleep (which James did anyway, but not so much so that it's unrecognizable to anyone). It was cool. The man who acted old Rumpel must be a magician, for he could change the color of his neckties and he could eat rings and necklaces and say they were yummy! They also used a lot of nursery rhymes. Thank goodness their acting wasn't as bad as the nursery rhymes that they chanted. They also used a screen. Heather said that they were stealing ideas from our school. There's also a part where I think they used a firework, anyway it was quite startling and then, in the smoke, Rumpel disappeared, just like that!

The actor I liked best must be the prince, for even when he was a grown man he still acted like a baby. You know, carrying teddy around and arguing about bedtimes, but he’s also very, very, very, very, very, very, very, VERY sexy. He is quite good at acting as well because I think it's very hard to act a little babyish boy when you are so old, especially when the character you are acting is near manhood and an heir to the throne! Well I think this is such a treat! Especially on Christmas Eve! I really must thank mum and dad! Cheerio!



