2014-06-21 15:21:22水也
韓劇→天使之眼 (엔젤 아이즈)
1. 男主和女主原本各自擁有幸福美好的生活。
2. 女主和媽媽出遊在隧道發生車禍,男主的爸爸是消防員,為了救女主母女,一去不回。印象中,那天好像是男主母親的生日,抱歉,懶得回去查,不負責任寫上。
3. 車禍導致的影響→
4. 高中時,男女主角終於相遇,男主清晨外送母親煮的湯給女主家(除了牛奶,新鮮熱湯也能訂購唷)。默默注意到女主,加上天文館機緣。
5. 當然,都說是傳統韓劇了,兩家麻花般緣分又來了。
6. 男主有天不舒服,母親體諒他,接替他外送,發生車禍。
7. 關鍵的過程→男二初駕車撞到男主母親→女主父親為了女兒,一度想要拔除男主母親呼吸裝置→男二母親想掩蓋兒子的錯,下毒害死男主母親。
8. 男主母親的眼睛移植到女主上。
9. 男主帶著妹妹到美國治療,女主父親出於罪惡感資助男主。
10. 男主回國,男主女主在一起。
11. 女主爸阻擾。
12. 最扯男主不當醫生改當消防員,沒有特別的意思,只是怎麼可以這麼輕鬆轉行!
13. 兩人知道不堪的真相:
14. 女主父親過世。女主受刺激太大眼睛又失明。
15. 兩人分開一年。
16. 男主發生車禍(苦肉計一種)。
17. HE。
女主很漂亮,但看著女主,本人無法入戲,個人覺得她沒有發自內心的笑or哭 (歐飛),男主的演技自然些,其實沒有必要換演員阿,青年時期的演員和年長時期的演員年歲似乎沒差多少。二十集的角本也太長了,16集應該差不多,劇情會緊湊些。
不得不稱讚配樂選得好聽,每次一下「with you, everything seems so easy」完全贊同,和相愛的人一起,世上無難事。把男主寫得太好了,又一個不可能出生的男主。
Lasse Lindh - Run To You
With you... Everything seems so easy
With you... My heartbeat has found its rhythm
With you... I'm so close to finding my home
With you... I dont care if I´m a little bit crazy
Cause with you nothing's wrong
I was broken, I was wasted
Then you came like an angel in the rain
Love used to slip trough me like waters slips trough hands
But with you it changed I know, I feel I'm closer to your heart.
I am run-run-running to you
And I'll keep you safe forever
Through the tears, trough the love and all the nights we share
I am run-run-running to you
And I'll keep you safe forever
Don't you know my love, don't you know two hearts can beat as one?
Love used to slip trough me like water slips trough hands but no more
No more lonely nights, no more, no more
So c'mon, c'mon, hold on, hold on, hold on
I am run-run-running to you
And I'll keep you safe forever
Through the tears, trough the love and all the nights we share
I am run-run-running to you
And I'll keep you safe forever
Don't you know my love, don't you know two hearts can...
I am run-run-running to you
And I'll keep you safe forever
Through the tears, trough the love and all the nights we share
I am run-run-running to you
And I'll keep you safe forever
Don't you know two hearts can beat as one?
And I'll keep you safe forever
Don't you know my love, don't you know two hearts can...
I am run-run-running to you
And I'll keep you safe forever
Through the tears, trough the love and all the nights we share
I am run-run-running to you
And I'll keep you safe forever
Don't you know two hearts can beat as one?