2018-07-06 16:09:56流浪阿狗

老歌亂談(849) ( I Want to Go ) Where Nobody Knows Me

說到美國鄉村歌手Skeeter Davis,很難不聯想到她的那首經典代表作《The End of the World》,歌曲述說的是她初喪父時的哀戚心情,後有許多人將之詮釋為愛情的受挫 → 猶如「世界末日」,這當然也說得通。而此首《(I Want to Go) Where Nobody Knows Me》亦為前曲1963同名專輯中的歌曲。

不過,此曲早在1958即由鄉村女歌手Jean Shepard錄唱發行,原曲名為《I Want to Go Where No One Knows Me》,獲得排行榜第18名。Skeeter Davis算是翻唱者,但不知為何只略改了歌名而未改歌詞。Jean Shepard在1953和男歌手Ferlin Husky合唱《A Dear John Letter》,拿下了排行榜的冠軍,由於當時年僅20歲,而成為最年輕的「冠軍女歌手」,但此記錄後來在1973被Tanya Tucker打破 ( 14歲即奪冠 )。更奇妙的是,Skeeter Davis後來和Bobby Bare在1965也翻唱這首《A Dear John Letter》,反而成為了台灣歌友較為熟悉的版本。

聽Skeeter Davis的歌,有種特殊的韻味,或許是因為許多歌都是由她自己合音 ( 多重錄製 ),感覺和一般的二重、三重唱就是不太一樣。毫無疑問的,Skeeter Davis在鄉村音樂界是位重要的明星,也被認為對後來的Tammy Wynette及Dolly Parton產生了影響力。「紐約時報」的樂評Robert Palmer,譽她為「超凡的鄉村/流行歌手」。2004,Skeeter Davis因乳癌過世,享年72歲。

亂談(115)Am I That Easy to Forget


 亂談(129)My Last Date(with You)


I want to go where no one knows me
Where I can start my life anew
I want to go where no one knows me
No one will ask me about you.

A cherrished friend, a worshiped sweetheart
The oldest story ever told
I trusted you and you deceived me
I have more grief than I can hold.

--- Instrumental ---

I want to go where no one knows me
My soul is sick my heart is sore
I want to go where all are strangers
I don't believe in friends no more.

I want to go where no one knows me
Where I can start my life anew
I want to go where no one knows me
No one will ask me about you...