2019-03-07 11:13:14zvzltt7xjpzh

【團購熱門產品】Britax 兒童推車 B-MOTION 3 Plus,含晴雨兩用罩 Canopy Pack 3C那買最划算


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Britax Römer Pushchair B-Motion 3 Plus including Canopy Pack 設計式樣: Lagoon Green · 2019

The Canopy Pack included in this set makes your Britax Römer B-Motion 3 Plus complete. You can choose your favourite design from many trendy and modern colours or else from three Denim colours. The Canopy Pack consists of a sun canopy and a play bar cover. If you opt for the Denim colours, there is an additional wind protection included in delivery.

The three-wheeled Britax Römer pushchair B-Motion 3 Plus masters every terrain with ease - whether that be uneven grounds off-road or the shopping malls in town.

The revolutionary folding system features a one-hand folding mechanism that will delight you immediately. It enables you to fold the B-Motion 3 Plus even with your child on your arm.

Its extra-large, air-filled wheels absorb all possible shocks and provide your child with high riding comfort. The Britax Römer B-Motion features a single-wheel suspension on the front wheels and on the rear wheels and adapts to the weight of your child so that it manoeuvres he pushchair perfectly on every terrain. The pushchair's swivel front wheel can be locked if necessary.

Your little passenger will feel absolutely comfy and cuddled up in the B-Motion 3 Plus and can nap peacefully or else discover the world around. For your newborn baby, you can easily adjust the seat into a flat recline position and if your child is already a bit older, you can adjust the seat in different sitting positions as well.

The seat unit features a mesh insert that keeps your child cool on hot summer days as well as a canopy with UV protection 50+ which provides optimum protection from harmful sunrays.

The height-adjustable harness grows with your child until s/he reaches a body height of 17 kg. The soft shoulder pads add even more comfort so that you can enjoy your stroll without worries.

Furthermore, the B-Motion 3 Plus features a height-adjustable push bar which can easily be adapted to the height of mom and dad. A large shopping basket is ideal for storing purchases or else all the necessities and niceties needed when being out and about with your little one.

The Britax Römer B-Motion 3 Plus can also be transformed in a convenient travel system which gives you much more freedom when travelling. With the CLICK & GO adaptor included in delivery you can attach any Britax Römer infant car seat to the chassis of the B-Motion 3 Plus. Due to the flat recline position you can even combine the pushchair with a soft carrycot.


  • Extremely manoeuvrable, three-wheeled pushchair

  • Including Canopy Pack - sun canopy and play bar cover

  • Canopy Pack Denim with additional wind protection

  • Suitable from birth up to a weight of 17 kg

  • Extra-large wheels - front wheels 24 cm, rear wheels 28.5 cm

  • One-hand folding mechanism

  • Single wheel suspension, swivel front wheel

  • Seat unit with mesh insert

  • Removable and washable seat cover

  • Height-adjustable, continuous push bar

  • Flat recline position with adjustable footrest

  • Height-adjustable harness

  • Spacious shopping basket

  • Including CLICK & GO adaptor suitable for any Britax Römer infant car seat

  • Dimensions folded: H 41 x W 58 x D 70 cm

  • Dimensions unfolded: H 82 - 110 x W 58 x D 100 cm

  • Height of push bar: 82 - 110 cm

  • Weight: 11.5 kg




Britax 兒童推車 B-MOTION 3 Plus,含晴雨兩用罩 Canopy Pack





NBA/詹皇不爽NFL老闆 指他們有奴性心態

湖人隊球星「詹皇」LeBron James 最近針對美式足球老闆開砲,他說:「這些白人老闆,他們有奴性,就像是,這是我的球隊,你就要聽我的話,不然我就把你開除。」

LeBron James 不只一次批評美國白人在運動擔任老闆的心態,他更常在黑人運動中爭取權利,為弱勢族群發聲。

LeBron James 說:「這些球員讓這個聯盟前進,沒有Todd Gurley、Odell Beckham Jr.每周星期日的付出,就沒有美式足球,這超實用購買就跟NBA一樣。」

不過LeBron James也說:「我們跟NFL球員不同的是,在籃球,我們可以看到他的潛力如何,但是在美式足球,就要看你每個禮拜天可以給我什麼,不然我們就繼續往前。」


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Britax 兒童推車 B-MOTION 3 Plus,含晴雨兩用罩 Canopy Pack

推薦, Britax 兒童推車 B-MOTION 3 Plus,含晴雨兩用罩 Canopy Pack

討論, Britax 兒童推車 B-MOTION 3 Plus,含晴雨兩用罩 Canopy Pack

部落客, Britax 兒童推車 B-MOTION 3 Plus,含晴雨兩用罩 Canopy Pack

比較評比, Britax 兒童推車 B-MOTION 3 Plus,含晴雨兩用罩 Canopy Pack

使用評比, Britax 兒童推車 B-MOTION 3 Plus,含晴雨兩用罩 Canopy Pack

開箱文, Britax 兒童推車 B-MOTION 3 Plus,含晴雨兩用罩 Canopy Pack

?推薦, Britax 兒童推車 B-MOTION 3 Plus,含晴雨兩用罩 Canopy Pack

評測文, Britax 兒童推車 B-MOTION 3 Plus,含晴雨兩用罩 Canopy Pack

CP值, Brit好康CP值超高ax 兒童推車 B-MOTION 3 Plus,含晴雨兩用罩 Canopy Pack

評鑑大隊, Britax 兒童推車 B-MOTION 3 Plus,含晴雨兩用罩 Canopy Pack

部落客推薦, Britax 兒童推車 B-MOTION 3 Plus,含晴雨兩用罩 Canopy Pack

好用嗎?, Britax 兒童推車 B-MOTION 3 Plus,含晴雨兩用罩 Canopy Pack
