2003-06-06 17:05:28Flor’cie^^”

Blinding busy

Close the door,‘t should be opened at once. Before‘twas opened. I didn’t get a right choice or answer. ‘Tis always mess up. The busy time is blind. I haven’t taken a good rest for a long, long time. The busy work is in my life.

Perhaps, I should think well how to finish the next step been done. I need a long quiet time to think about all things. As for what time will be done or when will be started, and how to appear, ‘tis no matter how happens. After that, I will let ye know what I am thinking and expecting. I think confessin’ is essential. But ‘tis not now to tell ye, cause I don’t prepare it well. And now, I just say: I am fine, please don’t concern about me more.

When I stand at this station, let me know that I am so rich and have many value thing for this day.

Whatever ‘its a damn life or not, I will hold all of them as well as I can…hahaha…a busy man is on busy working in a busy life...to be continued...

抓著豬頭撞向牆壁的同時、歇斯底里鬼叫個不停, 忙碌自是不在話下。
