2019-05-03 01:52:39znbnv5rfvzht

【發燒好康】Britax R-mer 自行車兒童座椅 Jockey Relax 預訂折扣優惠


最近媽媽生日快到了,偷偷打聽後知道媽媽最近想買 Britax R?mer 自行車兒童座椅 Jockey Relax

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Britax Römer Children's Bike Seat Jockey Relax 設計式樣: Black/Grey · 2019

Let your little explorer breathe some fresh air! The children's bike seat by Britax Römer provides your child with a safe spot on your bike - made in Germany. That way, big and small bike tours alike are going to be enjoyable activities for you and your child.

The Römer bike seat Jockey Relax is suitable for children with a weight from 9 kg to 22 kg which corresponds to an age of approx. 9 months up to 5 years. It has plenty of safety and comfort features.

Easy and strong! The bracket for the Jockey Relax is to be attached to the bicycle's frame. After that the bike seat just needs to snap in the spring steel bracket and you are ready to start your bike tour. The bike seat is to be installed in a forward-facing mode right behind the bicycle rider. If your wish to ride your bike without the Römer bike seat, you simply need to det2018熱門商品ach it from the bracket. That way, you can stay flexible at all times!

The comfort harness is indispensable for maintaining the safety of your little explorer. The three-point belt, which features a soft padding and an easy-to-use key lock, can be adjusted single-handedly so that you can adapt it perfectly to the size of your child. The extra-large spokes cover prevents your child's feet from getting into the spokes. A special highlight is the backrest which can be adjusted single-handedly from a seating into a comfortable resting position.

In order to make sure that your child is provided with a high level of seating comfort, you can easily adjust the footrest as to adapt it to your little one's leg length. That way, you little passenger can enjoy every ride on the bike with you to the fullest. The reversible cover features a soft padding and can be removed and machine washed.

You can choose from two different colour variants.

Please note: In order to use this children's bike seat on a second bike, you can purchase a second bracket (not included in delivery) optionally in our accessory section.

Please keep in mind: A bicycle with a children's bike seat attached always changes its riding behaviour. Thus you might need to adapt your riding style. For the sake of your child's safety, you should always make sure that s/he is wearing a bike helmet!


  • Suitable for children with a weight between 9 kg and 22 kg (approx. 9 months up to 5 years)

  • Available in different colours

  • Backrest adjustment to easily change from upright to reclined position, reversible cover

  • Extra-large spoke cover minimises risk of injury

  • Multiply-adjustable footrests

  • Comfortable harness system with plug-in buckle with single-handed adjustment

  • Solid workmanship; sturdy spring steel bracket

  • Installation: behind the bike rider, with bracket and spring steel bracket (tools are not included - hexagon wrench and open-end wrench)

  • 預訂折扣優惠
  • Weight 5.6 kg

  • Dimensions: H 71.2 x W 46 x D 43 cm

  • Made in Germany

Suitable for:

  • Touring bikes and sports bikes

  • Wheel sizes 26'' and 28''

  • Tube diameter 28 to 40 mm

  • Width of rack up to 150 mm

  • Circular saddle tubes




Britax R?mer 自行車兒童座椅 Jockey Relax









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世足賽》梅西首度破門 阿根廷絕殺奈及利亞險晉16強

【楊勝凱/綜合報導】一度幾乎瀕臨出局的阿根廷隊,今在世界盃D組第三輪賽事,雖然梅西(Lionel Messi)終於開胡,但阿根廷一度被奈及利亞12碼球逼和,一直到終場前4分鐘的羅哈(Marcos Rojo)絕殺,阿根廷才以2比1力克奈及利亞以分組第2晉級16強,將對上C組第1法國隊。


阿根廷在前兩戰只獲1分下,一度傳出將帥不合內鬨,並且傳出老球員向總教練桑保利(Jorge Sampaoli)兵鍊的傳聞,希望球隊回復到以前最熟悉的433打法並且讓幾名老將包括狄馬利亞(ángel Di María)等人上場。


阿根廷在一開賽第14分鐘就取得很好的開始,中場巴內加(éver Banega)傳出很好的長傳球,梅西跑在前面,左大腿停球,第一時間左腳掌推球前進,在門將上來封阻前挑射,梅西一氣呵成的完成漂亮的進球,這也是梅西今年世界盃的首個進球,上半場阿根廷就靠這1球取得領先。

但沒想到下半場開始僅6分鐘,阿根廷後衛馬斯切蘭諾(Javier Mascherano)區內扳倒巴洛貢(Leon Balogun)裁判判出1個12碼球,奈及利亞由摩塞(Victor Moses)操刀射進扳平。

一直急於反攻的阿根廷始終都找不到好的射門機會,甚至還把後衛換成一位前鋒來爭取進球,一直到第86分鐘,阿根廷後衛梅爾卡多(Gabriel Mercado)在右翼傳中,結果被後衛羅哈在禁區前拿到球起腳射門,阿根廷就靠著這1球驚險的拿下勝利並奇蹟式的成功晉級16強。

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Britax R?mer 自行車兒童座椅 Jockey Relax

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