[UVA] 10774 - Repeated Josephus
Repeated Josephus
Input: standard input
Output: standard output
Time Limit: 1 second
I don't want you to waste important time reading boring introduction.
At first, there are n people numbered 1
to n around a circle and every second remaining person
will be eliminated until only one survives. Let the number of the
survivor be x. The process is then repeated with x
number of people and let the survivor number is y. The
process then starts with y number of people and so on.
The repetition ends when the survivor is in the last position in the
Example with n = 5:
After the first elimination round, the survivor is person 3. Because
this is is not the last person in the circle, a new elimination round
with 3 people is started.
Now person 3 survives, so we can stop.
The first
line in the input file is an integer representing
the number of test cases. Each of the test cases follows below. Each
test case consists of an integer representing n ( 0 < n ≤
30000 ).
For each test case, print the serial number of the case, a colon, an space, total number of repetitions (the number of times the elimination process is done after the initial elimination round with n people), an space and the position of the survivor at last. Check the sample input & output.
Sample Input
Case 1: 2 7
Case 2: 8 1023
Problem setter: Anupam Bhattacharjee, CSE, BUET
Thanks to Adrian for alternate solution.
"~~ Simple matters in the world need not always be simple ~~"
可以用 O(n) 算出每兩個殺掉一個人的存活者,根據題目意思模擬即可。
#include <stdio.h>
int josephus(int n, int m) {
int s = 0, i;
for(i = 2; i <= n; i++)
s = (s+m)%i;
return s+1;
int main() {
int testcase, cases = 0;
int n;
scanf("%d", &testcase);
while(testcase--) {
scanf("%d", &n);
printf("Case %d: ", ++cases);
int repeat = 0, survivor;
while(1) {
survivor = josephus(n, 2);
if(survivor == n)
n = survivor;
printf("%d %d\n", repeat-1, n);
return 0;