2013-03-24 20:02:10Morris
[組合語言][作業] convert pattern (binary to string)
宣告變數 Declare
INCLUDE Irvine32.inc
BStr0 db 01111110b
BStr1 db 10000001b
BStr2 db 10100101b
BStr3 db 10000001b
BStr4 db 10100101b
BStr5 db 10111101b
BStr6 db 10000001b
BStr7 db 01111110b
CStr0 db 8 dup(?)
CStr1 db 8 dup(?)
CStr2 db 8 dup(?)
CStr3 db 8 dup(?)
CStr4 db 8 dup(?)
CStr5 db 8 dup(?)
CStr6 db 8 dup(?)
CStr7 db 8 dup(?)
convertPattern PROC
; al = binary integer, esi pointer to buffer
push ecx
push esi
mov ecx, 8 ; number of bits in AL
L1: shl al, 1 ; shift high bit into carry flag
mov BYTE PTR[esi], ' ' ; choose ' ' as default output
jnc L2 ; if no Carry, jump L2
mov BYTE PTR[esi], '*' ; else move '*' to buffer
L2: inc esi ; next buffer position
loop L1 ; shift another bit to left
pop esi
pop ecx
convertPattern ENDP
printResult PROC
; esi pointer to buffer, print[8][8]
push ecx
push esi
mov ecx, 8 ; number of rows
L1: push ecx
mov ecx, 8 ; number of column
L2: mov al, BYTE PTR[esi] ; move buffer to AL
inc esi ; next buffer position
call WriteChar ; print AL(ASCII)
loop L2 ; next column
call Crlf ; print '\n'
pop ecx
loop L1 ; next row
pop esi
pop ecx
printResult ENDP
start PROC
mov ebx, 0 ; BStr[ebx]
mov ecx, 8 ; run BStr[0-7]
mov esi, OFFSET CStr0 ; move buffer position to esi
L1: mov al, BStr0[ebx] ; move byte BStr[ebx] to AL
call convertPattern ; convert bit pattern
add esi, SIZEOF CStr0 ; next buffer position
add ebx, SIZEOF BStr0 ; next convert byte
loop L1
mov esi, OFFSET CStr0 ; output
call printResult
call WaitMsg
invoke ExitProcess, 0
start ENDP;
end start;
(10分) Design any 8x8 bit
icon with 0,1-pattern, and saved in BStrs
(20分) A procedure:
Convert 0 to blank and 1
to x for each bit in BStrs to the corresponding
char in CStrs.
(10分) A do loop which calls the converting procedure 8 times to convert the 8 bit strings to the 8 char string.
宣告變數 Declare
BStr0 db ?
BStr1 db ?
BStr2 db ?
BStr3 db ?
BStr4 db ?
BStr5 db ?
BStr6 db ?
BStr7 db ?CStr0 db 8 dup (?)
CStr1 db 8 dup (?)
CStr2 db 8 dup (?)
CStr3 db 8 dup (?)
CStr4 db 8 dup (?)
CStr5 db 8 dup (?)
CStr6 db 8 dup (?)
CStr7 db 8 dup (?)
這次作業多了一些 call function 的指令,而同時練習到自己寫函數去呼叫,由於暫存器就那麼幾個,
切記在回傳一定要打上 ret,不然會發生無法預期的錯誤 ASM 並沒有像 MIPS 指令複雜,
不用自己操作 eps 的值。
由於不可能對於每個變數都呼叫一次轉換,程式可能簡單好懂,但過於累贅,因此採用 BYTE address
單處理一個8 bits 的數字轉換成 ASCII,從最高位依序納入低位元位址。
給定一個 address,將接續的 64 bytes,以8*8 的矩陣方式印出,以 ASCII 顯示。
INCLUDE Irvine32.inc
BStr0 db 01111110b
BStr1 db 10000001b
BStr2 db 10100101b
BStr3 db 10000001b
BStr4 db 10100101b
BStr5 db 10111101b
BStr6 db 10000001b
BStr7 db 01111110b
CStr0 db 8 dup(?)
CStr1 db 8 dup(?)
CStr2 db 8 dup(?)
CStr3 db 8 dup(?)
CStr4 db 8 dup(?)
CStr5 db 8 dup(?)
CStr6 db 8 dup(?)
CStr7 db 8 dup(?)
convertPattern PROC
; al = binary integer, esi pointer to buffer
push ecx
push esi
mov ecx, 8 ; number of bits in AL
L1: shl al, 1 ; shift high bit into carry flag
mov BYTE PTR[esi], ' ' ; choose ' ' as default output
jnc L2 ; if no Carry, jump L2
mov BYTE PTR[esi], '*' ; else move '*' to buffer
L2: inc esi ; next buffer position
loop L1 ; shift another bit to left
pop esi
pop ecx
convertPattern ENDP
printResult PROC
; esi pointer to buffer, print[8][8]
push ecx
push esi
mov ecx, 8 ; number of rows
L1: push ecx
mov ecx, 8 ; number of column
L2: mov al, BYTE PTR[esi] ; move buffer to AL
inc esi ; next buffer position
call WriteChar ; print AL(ASCII)
loop L2 ; next column
call Crlf ; print '\n'
pop ecx
loop L1 ; next row
pop esi
pop ecx
printResult ENDP
start PROC
mov ebx, 0 ; BStr[ebx]
mov ecx, 8 ; run BStr[0-7]
mov esi, OFFSET CStr0 ; move buffer position to esi
L1: mov al, BStr0[ebx] ; move byte BStr[ebx] to AL
call convertPattern ; convert bit pattern
add esi, SIZEOF CStr0 ; next buffer position
add ebx, SIZEOF BStr0 ; next convert byte
loop L1
mov esi, OFFSET CStr0 ; output
call printResult
call WaitMsg
invoke ExitProcess, 0
start ENDP;
end start;
2017-11-03 00:42:34