NCPC2012F Optimal Transformation Cost
Problem F
Optimal Transformation Cost
Input File:
Time Limit: 3 seconds
A mathematician, Professor Lee, is now studying a transformation scheme in Coding Theory. There are 2n n-bit binary strings S = {bnbn-1…bi…b2b1|bi ∈ {0, 1} for 1 <= i <= n}. Two strings, can be transformed each other if and only if one is bnbn-1…bk+10bk-1bk-2…b1 and the other is bnbn-1…bk+11bk-1bk-2…b1, where i = 0, 1 and 1<= k <= n (i.e., their binary strings differ in a one-bit position only). We use x↔y to denote the transformation between two strings x and y, and use cost(x, y) to denote the cost of the transformation x↔y. To make the problem much easier, we assume the cost of each transformation is a constant c.
Professor Lee aims at finding a sequence of transformations T(S)=〈s1↔s2↔s3↔…sm-1↔sm(=s1)〉among S such that the following two conditions hold:
1. Every possible transformation is contained at least once by T(S).
2. The transformation cost T(S), defined by sigma(cost(si, si+1)), is as smallest as possible.
The minimum transformation cost of T(S) is called the optimal transformation cost, denoted by cost(T(S)). For example, consider S = {000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, 110, 111} and assume that c = 1. Then, T(S) =〈000↔001↔011↔010↔000↔100↔101↔001↔101↔111↔011↔111↔110↔010↔110↔100↔000〉and cost(T(S)) = 16. Note that T(S) may not be unique, but cost(T(S)) is unique.
Given a positive integer n and the cost of each transformation c, you task is to write a computer program to calculate the optimal cost cost(T(S))
Technical Specification
l 2 <= n <= 20
l 1 <= c <= 100
輸入說明 :
The first line of the input file contains an integer, denoting the number of test cases to follow. For each test case, one line contains two integers n and c separated by a space.
輸出說明 :
For each test case, output the optimal cost.
範例輸入 :
23 12 1
範例輸出 :
提示 :
出處 :
這題其實就是要我們增邊尤拉環道, 求這圖的最少邊數, 我們先不理會邊的費用 c, 這個常數最後再乘就好了。
偶數的情況 : 對於每個點都有偶數條邊, 很明顯地本身就是尤拉環道, 邊的個數就是 2^n * n / 2
奇數的情況 :
我們可以從圖中畫出來, 那圖怎麼畫呢, 按照二進制裡面一個 1 數劃出, 最左邊集合是 000, 最右邊集合是111, 我們依序增加邊讓每個節點都是連接偶數條邊, 我們會發現左右會對稱, 也就是剛好是二項式的左右, 因此恰好有一半的點會增一條邊, 因此答案是 2^n * n / 2 + 2^(n-1) = 2^(n-1) * (n+1)。
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int t, n, c;
scanf("%d", &t);
while(t--) {
scanf("%d %d", &n, &c);
int ans;
ans = (1<<(n-1))*(n+1);
ans = (1<<n)*n/2;
printf("%d\n", ans*c);
return 0;