[UVA] 11223 - O: dah dah dah!
E. O: dah, dah, dah!
Time limit: 1s
Morse code is a method for long-distance transmission of textual information without using the usual symbols. Instead information is represented with a simpler, binary, alphabet composed of short and long beeps. The short beep is called dih, and the long beep is called dah. For instance, the code for the letter O is dah dah dah (three long beeps). Actually, because the codification is not prefix-free, there is also a third symbol, which is silence. The code between two letters is a simple silence, the code between two words is a double silence.
You have been assigned the job to translate a message in Morse code. The signal has already been digitalized in the following fashion: dih is represented by a dot (.), dah is represented by a dash (-). Simple and double silences are represented by a single space character and two space characters respectively.
The following table represents the Morse code of all the characters that your program need to be able to handle.
Symbol | Code | Symbol | Code | Symbol | Code | Symbol | Code | Symbol | Code | Symbol | Code |
A | .- | J | .- - - | S | ... | 1 | .- - - - | . | .-.-.- | : | - - -... |
B | -... | K | -.- | T | - | 2 | ..- - - | , | - -..- - | ; | -.-.-. |
C | -.-. | L | .-.. | U | ..- | 3 | ...- - | ? | ..- -.. | = | -...- |
D | -.. | M | - - | V | ...- | 4 | ....- | ' | .- - - -. | + | .-.-. |
E | . | N | -. | W | .- - | 5 | ..... | ! | -.-.- - | - | -....- |
F | ..-. | O | - - - | X | -..- | 6 | -.... | / | -..-. | _ | ..- -.- |
G | - -. | P | .- -. | Y | -.- - | 7 | - -... | ( | -.- -. | " | .-..-. |
H | .... | Q | - -.- | Z | - -.. | 8 | - - -.. | ) | -.- -.- | @ | .- -.-. |
I | .. | R | .-. | 0 | - - - - - | 9 | - - - -. | & | .-... |
The first line of input gives the number of cases, (). test cases follow. Each one is a sequence of dot, dash and space characters. Two messages are separated by a newline. The maximum length of a message is 2000.
The output is comprised of one paragraph for each message. The paragraph corresponding to the n-th message starts with the header Message #n, on a line on its own. Each decoded sentence of the message appears then successively on a line of its own. Two paragraphs are separated by a blank line. The sentences shall be printed in uppercase.
Sample input
2 ... --- ... .--- --- -... -.. --- -. . ..--.. ..-. .. -. . -.-.--
Sample output
Message #1 SOS Message #2 JOB DONE ? FINE!
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <ctype.h>
using namespace std;
int main() {
map<string, char> r;
r[".-"] = 'A', r["-..."] = 'B', r["-.-."] = 'C';
r["-.."] = 'D', r["."] = 'E', r["..-."] = 'F';
r["--."] = 'G', r["...."] = 'H', r[".."] = 'I';
r[".---"] = 'J', r["-.-"] = 'K', r[".-.."] = 'L';
r["--"] = 'M', r["-."] = 'N', r["---"] = 'O';
r[".--."] = 'P', r["--.-"] = 'Q', r[".-."] = 'R';
r["..."] = 'S', r["-"] = 'T', r["..-"] = 'U';
r["...-"] = 'V', r[".--"] = 'W', r["-..-"] = 'X';
r["-.--"] = 'Y', r["--.."] = 'Z', r["-----"] = '0';
r[".----"] = '1', r["..---"] = '2', r["...--"] = '3';
r["....-"] = '4', r["....."] = '5', r["-...."] = '6';
r["--..."] = '7', r["---.."] = '8', r["----."] = '9';
r[".-.-.-"] = '.', r["--..--"] = ',', r["..--.."] = '?';
r[".----."] = '\'', r["-.-.--"] = '!', r["-..-."] = '/';
r["-.--."] = '(', r["-.--.-"] = ')', r[".-..."] = '&';
r["---..."] = ':', r["-.-.-."] = ';', r["-...-"] = '=';
r[".-.-."] = '+', r["-....-"] = '-', r["..--.-"] = '_';
r[".-..-."] = '\"', r[".--.-."] = '@';
int t, cases = 0;
string in;
cin >> t;
cin.ignore(100, '\n');
while(t--) {
cout << "Message #" << cases << endl;
getline(cin, in);
int len = in.length(), cnt = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if(isspace(in[i])) {
if(cnt == 1) {
cout << ' ';
cnt = 0;
} else
int j = i;
string s = "";
while(!isspace(in[j]) && j < len) {
s += in[j];
cout << r[s];
cnt = 0;
i = j-1;
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
return 0;