2012-04-21 11:29:41Morris
[UVA] 11879 - Multiple of 17
Multiple of 17
Multiple of 17 |
Theorem: If you drop the last digit d of an integer n (n10), subtract 5d from the remaining integer, then the
difference is a multiple of 17 if and only if n is a multiple of 17.
For example, 34 is a multiple of 17, because 3-20=-17 is a multiple of 17; 201 is not a multiple of 17, because 20-5=15 is not a multiple of 17.
Given a positive integer n, your task is to determine whether it is a multiple of 17.
There will be at most 10 test cases, each containing a single line with an integer n ( 1

For each case, print 1 if the corresponding integer is a multiple of 17, print 0 otherwise.
Sample Input
34 201 2098765413 1717171717171717171717171717171717171717171717171718 0
Sample Output
1 0 1 0
大數除小數, 模擬即可
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
char str[102];
while(gets(str)) {
if(str[0] == '0' && str[1] == '\0')
int tmp = 0, i;
for(i = 0; str[i]; i++) {
tmp = tmp*10 + str[i]-'0';
tmp %= 17;
printf("%d\n", tmp == 0);
return 0;