2012-03-09 22:33:53Morris

[UVA] 838 - Worm World

  Worm World 

The WormWold puzzle was initially proposed by Cliff Pickover in the Discover Magazine, issue of November 1994 (a visit to his home page is highly recommended!). The WormWorld is a grid of numbers and it is a tough place to live in. The worms that inhabit it are all born with nasty allergies. The first time they come in contact with a number, their immune systems are overstimulated; if they are exposed to that number a second time, they die of anaphylactic shock.

A worm can start crawling on any square in WormWorld, and it can then move horizontally or vertically but not diagonally. In this scenario, what is the longest path a worm can take without dying? An example is illustrated in the following figure.


Write a program that determines the largest path a worm can take for a given grid.


The input begins with a single positive integer on a line by itself indicating the number of the cases following, each of them as described below. This line is followed by a blank line, and there is also a blank line between two consecutive inputs.

The first input line is the size N of the grid ( 0 < N$ le$12). This is followed by N input lines, each one with N positive integer values separated by blank spaces (as a simplification, we will only use grid values less then 1000).


For each test case, the output must follow the description below. The outputs of two consecutive cases will be separated by a blank line.

The output is the size (in terms of the number of squares) of the largest path that a worm can take.

Sample Input 


1 2 1
2 3 4
3 2 1

Sample Output 


做法 : A* Algorithm
將路徑切成狀態, 用 bismask 表示
接著用 F(x) = G(x)+H(x)
G(x)是簡單可以求得的, H(x)用BFS試圖拓展計算個數(在此先不考慮是否可以構成路徑)
每次抓最大的 F(x) 進行拓展, 直到使用到 F(x) == G(x) 停止

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int T, n, map[20][20];
struct Heap {
unsigned int state[5];
short Fx;
char x, y;
}Heap[500000], tmp;
int L;
void Swap(int P, int S) {
tmp = Heap[P], Heap[P] = Heap[S], Heap[S] = tmp;
void siftUp(int site) {
static int S, P;
S = site, P = S>>1;
while(S >= 2 && Heap[P].Fx < Heap[S].Fx)
Swap(P, S), S = P, P = S>>1;
void siftDown(int site) {
static int S, P;
P = site, S = P<<1;
while(S <= L) {
if(S < L && Heap[S+1].Fx > Heap[S].Fx)
if(Heap[P].Fx >= Heap[S].Fx)
Swap(P, S), P = S, S = P<<1;
void insHeap(unsigned int state[], short Fx, char i, char j) {
memcpy(Heap[L].state, state, sizeof(Heap[L].state));
Heap[L].Fx = Fx;
Heap[L].x = i;
Heap[L].y = j;
void delHeap() {
Swap(1, L), L--;
int solve() {
int i, j, ti, tj, x, y;
int Fx, Gx, Hx, bit, tx, ty, ttx, tty;
int X[4] = {0,1,0,-1}, Y[4] = {1,0,-1,0};
unsigned int state[5];
char mark1[1001], mark2[1001], tmap[12][12];
int maxLength = 0;

int Queue[300][2], qidx;
while(L > 0) {
memcpy(state, Heap[1].state, sizeof(state));
x = Heap[1].x, y = Heap[1].y, Fx = Heap[1].Fx;
memset(mark1, 0, sizeof(mark1));

Gx = 0;
for(i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
for(j = 0; j < 32; j++) {
if((state[i]&(1<<j)) != 0) {
bit = i*32+j;
tx = bit/n, ty = bit%n;
mark1[map[tx][ty]] = 1;
maxLength = maxLength > Gx ? maxLength : Gx;
if(Fx == Gx) break;

for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
tx = x+X[i], ty = y+Y[i];
if(tx >= 0 && tx < n && ty >= 0 && ty < n) {
if(mark1[map[tx][ty]] == 1)
bit = tx*n+ty;
Hx = 0;
memset(tmap, 0, sizeof(tmap));
memset(mark2, 0, sizeof(mark2));
qidx = -1, Queue[++qidx][0] = tx, Queue[qidx][1] = ty;
tmap[tx][ty] = 1, mark2[map[tx][ty]] = 1;
for(ti = 0; ti <= qidx; ti++) {
tx = Queue[ti][0], ty = Queue[ti][1];
for(tj = 0; tj < 4; tj++) {
ttx = tx+X[tj], tty = ty+Y[tj];
if(ttx >= 0 && ttx < n && tty >= 0 && tty < n) {
if(mark1[map[ttx][tty]] == 1)
if(mark2[map[ttx][tty]] == 0) {
mark2[map[ttx][tty]] = 1;
if(tmap[ttx][tty] == 0) {
Queue[qidx][0] = ttx;
Queue[qidx][1] = tty;
tmap[ttx][tty] = 1;
if(Gx+Hx+1 <= maxLength) continue;
tx = x+X[i], ty = y+Y[i];
state[bit/32] |= (1<<(bit%32));
insHeap(state, Gx+Hx+1, tx, ty);
state[bit/32] ^= (1<<(bit%32));
return maxLength;
int main() {
scanf("%d", &T);
int i, j, k;
while(T--) {
scanf("%d", &n);
L = 0;
unsigned int state[5] = {};
for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
for(j = 0; j < n; j++) {
scanf("%d", &map[i][j]);
state[(i*n+j)/32] |= (1<<((i*n+j)%32));
insHeap(state, n*n, i, j);
state[(i*n+j)/32] ^= (1<<((i*n+j)%32));
printf("%d\n", solve());
if(T) puts("");
return 0;