2012-01-22 16:08:27Morris
[JAVA][作業練習] Lab7
Write a program that converts dates from numberical month/day/year
format to normal "month day, year" format (for example, 12/25/2000
corresponds to December 25, 2000). You will define three exception
classes, one called MonthException, another called DayException,
and a third called YearException. If the user enters anything other
than a legal month number (inegers from 1 to 12), your program will
throw and catch a MonthException and ask the user to reenter the
month. Similarly, if the user enters anything other than a valid
day number (integers from 1 to either 28, 29, 30, or 31, depending
on the month and year), then your program will throw and catch a
DayException and ask the user to reenter the day. If the user
enters a year that is not in the range 1000 to 3000 (inclusive),
then your program will throw and catch a Year-Exception and ask the
user to reenter the year. (There is nothing very special about the
numbers 1000 to 3000 other than giving a good range of likely dates.
) See Self-Test Exercise 19 in Chapter 4 for details on leap years.
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format to normal "month day, year" format (for example, 12/25/2000
corresponds to December 25, 2000). You will define three exception
classes, one called MonthException, another called DayException,
and a third called YearException. If the user enters anything other
than a legal month number (inegers from 1 to 12), your program will
throw and catch a MonthException and ask the user to reenter the
month. Similarly, if the user enters anything other than a valid
day number (integers from 1 to either 28, 29, 30, or 31, depending
on the month and year), then your program will throw and catch a
DayException and ask the user to reenter the day. If the user
enters a year that is not in the range 1000 to 3000 (inclusive),
then your program will throw and catch a Year-Exception and ask the
user to reenter the year. (There is nothing very special about the
numbers 1000 to 3000 other than giving a good range of likely dates.
) See Self-Test Exercise 19 in Chapter 4 for details on leap years.
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