2006-10-26 22:48:49no name


Socrates: A philosopher of Athens, generally regarded as one of the wisest people of all time. It is not known who his teachers were. Socrates himself left no writings, and most of our knowledge of him and his teachings comes from the dialogues of his most famous pupil, Plato. Socrates is described as having neglected his own affairs, instead spending his time discussing virtue, justice, and piety wherever his fellow citizens congregated, seeking wisdom about right conduct so that he might guide the moral and intellectual improvement of Athens.

Sappho: Sappho was born in the late 700s BCE on Lesbos. Her poetry suggests that she was the center of a closely-knit group of women; we don’t know if this was some kind of an academy or a chorus of singers. We do know that Sappho composed epithalamia (marriage songs) for performance by a group. But her preferred form seems to have been songs to be sung or recited by an individual to the accompaniment of a lyre, some perhaps for religious or civic festivals. In the last century, Sappho has become so synonymous with woman-love that two of the most popular words to describe female homosexuality--lesbian and Sapphic have derived from her.

Sophocles: The son of a wealthy merchant, he enjoyed all the comforts of a thriving Greek empire. He studied all of the arts. By the age of sixteen, he was already known for his beauty and grace and was chosen to lead a choir of boys at a celebration of the victory of Salamis. Twelve years later, his studies complete, he was ready to compete in the City Dionysia--a festival held every year at the Theatre of Dionysus in which new plays were presented.Of Sophocles’ more than 120 plays, only seven have survived in their entirety. Of these, Oedipus the King is generally considered his greatest work. This tragedy of fate explores the depths of modern psycho-analysis as Oedipus unwittingly kills his father and marries his mother in an attempt to avoid the very prophecy he ultimately fulfills. A masterful work of plot and suspense, Oedipus the King is often heralded as a ”perfectly structured” play.


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