作曲:Philip Glass
導演/佈景及燈光設計:Robert Wilson
編舞:Lucinda Childs
舞團:Lucinda Childs Dance Company
聯合導演:Ann-Christin Rommen
副導演:Charles Otte
音樂總監:Michael Riesman
樂團:Philip Glass Ensemble
製作:Pomegranate Arts, Inc.
當一部經典作品在眼前、耳裡漸次展開時,全副身心靈都深感貼身與舒暢,彷彿做了全身按摩一般。這當然是Robert Wilson和Philip Glass所合作的經典,1976年首演至今,看起來仍然是經典,幾乎無可匹敵,甚至可以說,連創作者也無法再超越自己,至少到目前為止,都是如此。所有人都知道它的主要美學語彙就是「重複」,而且是機械性的重複,在純粹物理的重複中,竟透發出巨大的能量,令人不得不聯想到作品最後所呈現的原爆意象,最基本的物質粒子相互撞擊,所造成的巨大爆炸,只不過這樣的原爆意象(帶有一種政治批判的意味),在作品中,卻由司機(Charles Williams飾)的口述故事中,指向一段純粹卻同樣巨大無比的愛情故事,令人不得不將全劇的「膝戲」(knee play)片段全都串連起來閱讀,那的確是一對年輕男女(Helga Davis及Kate Moran飾)的關係,在他們機械式的動作及語言中,的確有一股隱隱流動的能量在蘊釀及累積,因此這個作品雖然長達四個半小時,沒有中場休息(但事實上,票券上載明「觀眾可於演出期間自由進出會場」),但其實一點都並不沉悶,一直會被Philip Glass的音樂強烈地吸引住,而Robert Wilson的視覺設計及場面調度,也與音樂之間,達到了完美配合,眼睛、耳膜、心靈全部被搓揉地很舒暢,簡直是酣快淋漓。這裡頭肯定有某種普遍的、共感的、崇高的、純粹的、本質的精神的美,整整四個半小時的洗禮,這都已經接近宗教儀式的神感靈通了,我只有心悅誠服,相當地了不起。
上面這一段文字,是當天看完演出,一路無休,回到尖沙咀美麗都大廈(就在重慶大廈旁邊)十三樓的小房間後,一口氣寫下來的最初感動。在仔細閱讀節目冊裡,Margery Arent Safir對Philip Glass的訪談之後(頁33-41),才領略到一般人多以「重複」(repetition)和「極簡風格」(minimalism)來描述Philip Glass及Robert Wilson的作品,但其實並未真正搔到癢處,說到準處。
Would it get some wind for the sailboat. And it could get for it is.
It could get the railroad for these workers. And it could be were it is.
It could Franky it could be Franky it could be very fresh and clean
It could be a balloon.
All these are the days my friends and these are the days my friends..
It could get some wind for the sailboat. And it could get for it is.
It could get the railroad for these workers. It could get for it is were.
It could be a balloon. It could be Franky. It could be very fresh and clean.
All these are the days my friends and these are the days my friends.
It could be those ways.
Will it get some wind for the sailboat and it could get for it is it.
It could get the railroad for these workers workers. It could get for it is.
All these are the days my friends and these are the days my friends.
Put these days of 888 cents in 100 coins of change…
These are theiidays mmy friends and these are my days my friends.
Make a tiota on thses these are theiidays loop
So if you say will it get some wind for the sailboat and it could for
It could be Franky it could be very fresh and clean. So it could be
Those ones. So if
You cash the bank of world traveler from 10 months ago.
Doo you remember! Honz the bus driver…, Well put the red
Ball blue ball two black and white balls. And Honz pushed on his brakes
the four balls went down to that. And Honz said.
“Get those four
Balls aw ay from the gearshift.” All these are the days my friends and these are th
e days my friends. It could get the railroad for these workers.
It could
Would will it get some wind for the sailboat. And it could get for it is.
語速相當之快,而且兩人搭配地天依無縫,這樣的台詞,幾乎就只是一種唸誦的人聲而已;將其規模擴大至整個合唱團及樂團也加入,同樣快節奏,而且相同語速,整齊劃一,同時開始,也同時結束,不光是單人的表演就已經夠困難的了,偏偏這還是集體演出,不單是超凡的默契而已,還有超凡、可怕的專注力,如何記誦,如何數算台詞的段落,如何控制語速及音量大小,如何調整呼吸……等,我雖然看/聽過一些a cappella的人聲表演,但相較之下,那都只是小兒科,無法與此相比。除了「膝戲」之外,還有那小提琴手Antoine Silverman,急速演奏,類似的音符,類似的節奏中,似乎還有許多微妙的差異與變化,我深深可以體會,為什麼Philip Glass要對訪談的記者Margery Arent Safir說;「不存在重複。永遠有某種東西在進行。這一點很重要。每次你用『重複』這個詞,都是在強化一種錯誤觀念。這是一種心理學的聆聽方式,你以為你在同一位置,但其實你為了保持同一位置而在不停移動,就像在泳池踩水一樣,如果真的不動,那麼你就沉到水底了。事實上,你時時刻刻都在動。所謂的『重複』,只是形象地表現那些即使有時看起來靜止,也仍然在不停地動、不停地變化的動作組合。我們探討的是一種特別的專注力,讓你在急速的重複過程中留意到細微變化。」(頁39)
至於同場觀賞《沙灘上的愛恩斯坦》(Einstein on the Beach, An Opera in Four Acts)的香港朋友,那就更多了,數不勝數,此不贅述。
可惜幾年來,台北已經引進幾次Robert Wilson的作品,使得倘若再引進《沙灘上的愛恩斯坦》,極可能會落人口實(「怎麼老是Robert Wilson?」),結果真正的經典卻過台灣而不入,真非台灣觀眾之福!