2004-12-11 12:31:16尚未設定

My Personal Opinion of the Health situation in Taiwan

My Personal Opinion of the Health situation in Taiwan
and the health perspective of Taiwanese.

Most Taiwanese care about what kind of food can or cannot be eaten. With regards to this matter, they get information from the news. Most are careful about their body figure and weight. Some men worry about their sexual function and ability. Many people like to eat a variety of health formula foods like vitamins, or traditional Chinese medicines.

In my opinion, we have no correct knowledge about health. Of course, there are researches on medical or biotechnology issues and we hear them in news. As such, some knowledge of special diseases, like Alzheimer’s, Juvenile Diabetes will be issued and publicized on TV or Newspaper by health-related organizations of government. However, we tend to forget them quickly.

According to news report, Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Hepatitis, Kidney Failure, Pneumonia, Paralysis and Car accident are the main killers in Taiwan. But now, Society-Diseases, like Melancholia or Mind-Faculty Disease are becoming mainstream diseases in Taiwan.

We have three main kinds of National Insurances. The first is the Health Insurance to every citizen. The second is Public Insurance just to protect a small number of people, like teachers and staff working for the government. The third is Labor Insurance to all citizens with employment. But they all come with a cost. We must pay some money to the government. The payment of this Health Insurance is cheap on registration fee when you go to see a doctor and on variety of medical treatment, including hospitalization, even though you only see a Chinese doctor.

On the other hand, people buy some private insurance such as Cancer Insurance, Life Insurance, Surgical Operation Insurance, Accident Insurance and Travel Insurance from Human Insurance Companies. I bought a travel insurance worth twelve thousand NT dollars when I paid for my Airplane fee using my credit card. But this insurance only covers any liability on the plane journey.

Chinese Food tends to be oily because of the method of cooking, for example people like to mix different kinds of food, like fresh seafood, meat, vegetables, noodle, into a very big pot. In Taiwan, there are many big and small vending markets at night occupying long streets. Some of these markets and streets were promoted for tourism by local government. Because they are able to present the local culture and bring income for the locals. Taiwanese have the habit to have a night snack at the night markets. I think it is the reason why many people suffer from Hypertension, Diabetes and Kidney Disease. Our food is too oily and we eat too much before going to bed. Some workers like truck driver have Oral Cavity Cancer because of eating too many betel nuts. Drink-driving is the reason for many car accidents.

When we are sick, we will either see Western or Traditional Chinese doctors. If we are to see a western doctor, we do not have the habit of consulting a family doctor. Instead, we are used to looking for a renowned doctor. Sometimes we see both and eat both medicines. Some people do not trust traditional treatment. On the contrary, some people extremely hate to eat western medicine. But many people believe that for chronic illnesses, one ought to see a traditional doctor, besides a western one. Few people believe solely on religion for a cure, or believe only in drinking more water to cure a cold.

﹝Published by Ithaca Chatter, Cornell Campus Club ESL, NY﹞