2011-02-27 21:00:04yumen117

Singularity (二十八): An Elegy (or Lavender)

To LH, a friend and Japan.

The evanescent brilliance 

Is never as indifferent as if

The global cycle of mortality

Is but another told mystery

Mocking human frailty.

Was AL falling in sudden blue

Simply for this inevitability?

God, all but unbearable memories

Vegetate from your utter silence

And chill me still in your shade.

LH, it pains me to rationalize

The nil in your mother's eyes.

It bewilders to evade the word

That releases you from the prison

Yet weighs on your father's brows.

The pungent Osmanthus fragrans, 

Reminisced in this spring evening

Without failure, steals into my 

O my unfinished vis-a-vis the 

Unspoken reality - A Dieu, LH.