2006-02-26 17:38:17小生


Hm,today i went to the local market and Park’n in the whole morning buying some ingredients for making food.But it was really exhausted after finished buying all those things,all my energy is gone.After arrived at home then started making a snack and a drink which are i never make before.I really hope the finished products are acceptable which compare with the Valentine’s chocolate...



Ingredients : (For 2)
長法包 半條
車厘茄 24粒/3 handful
蒜粒 1粒
橄欖油 1tbsp
意大利醋 1tbsp
黑胡椒 少許
Parmesan Cheese 少許

Methods :
1) 將長法包切成迷你片狀,然後放入焗爐焗至微焦
2) 車厘茄原粒/切半放入平底鑊加橄欖油略炒,再加意大利醋,黑胡椒炒2分鐘
3) 將炒好的車厘茄放上麵包上,鋪上薄片Parmesan Cheese*

#取自「彩雲甜蜜日誌」(Fiona’s Sweet Diary)
