2007-05-15 08:44:41養樂多


Ok, welcome to this planet.
The planet of food.

Just before I went sleep, I ate a stick of ”Always”chocolate and 3 rods of ”Black Master” roll while I was watching CSI7 episode 21-22. Suddenly I found that this food made me full and something just blocked my 督脈, driving me hard to breathe as easy as usual.

Then I realize that the rehabitation and the retake of food are very crtitical for me right now.
Form now on, it’s not the problem of not eating any food but is how to choose right food to eat.

Maybe stewed vegetable would be a good choice for me right now.
Let’s see how my body will respond then...

Btw, thanks Ms. Shi for bring me the breakfast to celebrate my beginning of eating.
However, I still can not eat ordinary food like rice ball(飯團), thanks to her. I really feel grateful for her consideration.

久違的鹹食~ ^_^
吃完就覺得好累 睡了一下下 10 minutes

解決了一盤涼麵 一碗味增湯

由於吃了一個小時配上csi的畫面 應該消化還不錯

感覺精神力量稍減 身體的力量暴增
最扯的是 體重....從74.5暴增到76.7