2004-12-01 01:28:06失控因子

My Graduation

I try to do something to decrease our distance,
but i didn't success...

I phoned you over three times today,
you hvn't answer my calls,
i wonder you are really busy or,
you just want to ignore me.

I try hard to discover where are you,
and i lost also.

I hvn't tell others that I miss you,
even you,

In the past,
I'm not brave enough to find you,
and tell you something about love...

I still not brave to tell you something about love now,
and i really tired to discover where you hide...

Will you find that there are some miss calls in your mobile tonight?
Will you think about me?

I really want to whisper to you,
I Miss You.

如果可以 真想回到從前
真對不起 我一直這麼好強

《My Garduation》