2004-04-29 17:03:00明志小五郎


4月15日, 仆街........仲未收到Body Check

走去HSA,佢話個DIMIA 個 Officer 會 check system

去到Dandenong 個移民官是個樣十足十是港英政府彭定康總督時代的前保安司黎慶寧

他問我 "When was your body check? "


他喝我指著張Body check recept


之後他check system , 搖搖頭

搞了好耐.....他說"十天內會來電或send email


4月21日, 我收到-ray

下午2閎, 他來電說" You visa was gained. You can make appointment or just come its up to you."


4月23日, 我打電話去131881

個Speaker 話

"You visa was gained. You expire date is 20 March 2005. What is your Course? Have you changed you couse?

Yes, its Diploma of Commerce in MIBT. but i received the X-ray and need to make appointment to see DIMIA Officer."


"I cannot make a appointment to you. You can just go to there"

"So... What is the DIMIA operation time"

"9-4 in Mon to Fri expect Wed , its 9-1" but you should notice that next Monday is ANZAC Day we are close..."

thanksvery much Goodbye!

Good bye.