2007-04-04 00:36:04Fiona

Tequila Sunrise

Sometimes you felt like you’ve forgot everything. Being intoxicated, my head aches so badly the next morning. I am having a hangover again... and there is no cure for me since the day you left.

There was a moment I thought all my sorrow has gone away, yet I still felt the pain slightly aching deep in my heart. I guess alcohol is not working this time. You said I was not alone. People here were looking for the same exit, trying to release what was blowing up their minds. I said I was not coming for a comfort. You laughed as flirting with the cute bartender. She is right for your taste. That can be an accident with a right atmosphere, or let’s just blame what calls animal instinct. A man and a woman….no orgasm, no love. This is your philosophy just like I can never quit alcohol. In some aspects, we were perfectly matched. You enjoy your ecstasy as I stagger all the way back to my bed. When thinking of this, I smiled. I guess I don’t hate you anymore.

Drinking up the garnet beverage in my glass, my throat burned as I tasted the bitterness. Couldn’t tell what was swallowed into my stomach? The alcohol or the tears? What the hell you treated me like this? The first time we met... I was drinking a Tequila Sunrise. Cheers.


下一篇:The Liar

2007-04-06 07:10:44

tequila 太猛了...後勁強到個不行! = =&quot

呵呵....看來你也領教過tequila的後勁丫.. :D 2007-04-08 06:51:33
微琪 2007-04-04 15:18:52


Hi 微琪....

很抱歉我沒辦法將這篇翻譯成中文,因為自己翻譯的功力還不夠..這樣冒險去翻的話,恐怕無法忠實傳達原文想要表達的意思..sorry 囉

2007-04-05 15:18:00
JT^^ 2007-04-04 03:32:09

tequila is good ^^ i like it too

is that you in the image? or just another image you find ^^

HaHa....this was just an image I found online.. 2007-04-05 15:14:51