2006-08-24 14:12:46灰姑娘


The world is full of imperfect
Working condition ~ unsatisfied
Relationship ~ disappointed
If we cant accept the situation then we have to change
But if we cant change the situation then we have to accept
There are only 2 choices

Study in Shue Yan isn’t wt I want even it is degree
I hate the feeling of inferior ~ hate ppl look down on me
In order to apply to City U after sem 1
wt I can do is working as hard as possible
I know that I am not genius ~ outstanding
However I believe effort can change everything
Am I too optimistic? I donno

Up till now, studying in City U is still my aim
I will keep remind myself

The following 3 days will go to Macao with my family
Hope it will be a happy journey
Delicious food ~~~ wait me ar ~~~