2006-08-16 22:57:43灰姑娘

My last day in Mayfair

My last day in Mayfair
The only thing I will miss so much must be my lovely gd fds
Jodie , abe , Jennifer, Ta and Yoyo
Especially Abe ~ wt a lovely and funny girl I never seen
the card and the colourful book she bought for me is really meaningful
very surprise she have prepared a gift for me
however I wont be here on her last day
I must make desert for her before she leave Mayfair
Jodie as well ~ a very strong , nice and clever girl
She will be one of the students in City U
which is my dream and aim b4 the result was released
bought me a box of biscuits wrapped with
beautiful decoration which is from Japan

we have lunch in milk company hastily
I am the only girl didn’t have meal in it milk company
Wanna try how “busy” running of this restaurant
As there is always full of ppl waiting outside wtever the time
actually the meal we orderd is “ breakfast”
only two menus for us to choose
but quite full in case the size of the food isn’t small

finally take photos with them before I leave
gdbye Mayfair ~ ~ ~
thx u give me a treasure chance to learn all the things which I cant get from books
I will always remember my real work experience is gain from here
And all my gd fds is meet in here

My new page of life is going to open
Very odd feeling ~ lonely ~ anxious
Take time to adapt to a new environment
As well as the ppl there
Hope everything will go smoothly
Not only my studies but also fds I make
find difficulties when I am alone
Have to “grow up” lai……ai

P.S.Abe when will u online to send me photos ? -_-”