2006-08-16 22:48:44灰姑娘


Watch Dead Man’s Chest with Jodie, Abe and ta in Olympian City 2 days ago
Wt an exciting film ~ very amazing ~
Though I didn’t watch its previous version
2 and half an hr ~ my first time to watch film like that long
a bit dizzy when leaving my sit

also its my first time to go out with colleagues
um….i think our relationship not only colleague one but friends
as I got little money left ~ suggest to have cheap meal
for which McDonald suit my idea ~ hehe
we talk and share a lot ~ even “secret” is involved
I mean sensitive topic ~ wonder if 2 of them got bfs
Jodie is worth to get a sit in city (HRM)
which is my dream b4 the result was released
her red eyes…..i know she paid a lot ~ of coz me as well
her excellent result …..too far from me
but suen la ~ accept wt I received otherwise
it will be so hard for me to bear such unsatisfied want

falling in love with u for very very long time
know everything abt each other
sound no necessary to talk phone every night
as there is not much surprise in life
stupid routine ~ nth can share with
is habit or need ? I wonder