2006-06-03 11:31:12灰姑娘


Working in this company for one month
Learn a lot ~ see a lot ~ feel a lot ~ realize a lot
my outlook have changed my concept of value as well
or may be I can say ~ I am a grown girl
no more little girl ~ no more innocent

I used to grumble my parents treat me strictly
But today I realize deeply
Yes ~ they are really really care and love me so much
FOR MY OWN ~ no longer is an excuse but the truth
That’s y I treat them as gd as I can now
Give them as much as I can
Everyday go back home
the feeling I have : yes ~ I am safe now ~
yes ~ it is where I want to stay
in the past ~ I would never have the feeling like this
on the contrary ~ I want to leave home as quick as possible
don’t want to face my parents in case they don’t understand me
working change the relationship between me and my family

my AL result will be disclosed very soon ~ in the late June
always wonder if I cant take a sit in any universities
degree holder is my aim ~ my target ~ my dream
working hard for almost 15 years
just want to make it come true
it’s part of the content I said in CLC oral
I have already done and tried my best in these 2 years
Sth so strange is that I have confident on myself recently
Actually is so much confidence
Also ~ I dreamed that I got A , B , C in my cert
Guess wt happen then
I rush to the front and asked miss lee ( my class teacher )
I didn’t choose CU and HKU ~ dim suen ` haha
In this dream ~ this astonished result drive me crazy
I just pray if it come true
Of coz ~ down to the earth
Hope for the best ~ Prepare for the worst

No one can choose the way u walk
And now no one can pave the way for u anymore
Pls don’t repent of the road u choose
I am not meaning that a degree can let u own everything
But at least u can own anything easier than the others
Everybody can be successful man
Depends on how they make it
My dear ~ maybe u are so practical that
make me don’t understand yr situation
But u should know a degree is wt I long for
In other words ~I hope my partner can be same as me
A guarantee ~ I donno
He can take gd care of me ~ physically and psychologically
Wt I want basically
Finding an aim is very important in case
it can motivate u to move towards yr own target
a man without soul ~ horrible
all in all ~ ask yrself
if u think it is worthwhile for u to do so
then go ahead ~ but don’t wish I will support u
I am afraid that one day I will mind the “distance” between us
do u know how frighten and worry am I
I just cant shirk ~ keep persuading myself

My dearest fd ~ I donno how to face u
I donno how to talk with u
u know ~ everything just cant go back in the past
the thorn in my heart ~ perhaps also in yr heart
I care u but helpless
No longer comfortable and safe
We did a little bit
but both of us are frighten to go one more steps
let it be ~ let it be ~ pray for our fdship
of coz I wont give it up
7 years fdship wont break easily~ right?

donno y post this photo
maybe i miss the day wearing uniform